Anyone besides me get the iPad yesterday? I am loving it, I was skeptical at first, I bought it explicitly to teach with.  I'm excited about it. Would love to hear what other people think and how they might use it in their classroom.  (I wrote my full review on my blog).

Tags: apple, ipad

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I'm a fan Ubuntu and my tablet PC, however I don't think you can look at the iPad feature for feature with other systems. Just like the iPhone, which if you run down a feature for feature against other smart phones does not seem like the winner, it is THE EXECUTION. HOW the iPhone and iPad works is just sheer genius. Easy to use, fluid and plain pretty.

I was highly skeptical since I am a very techie person, I have a LOT of devices and I could not see how this really would fill a need. However, I think it is truly unique for what it does. A beautiful and easy to use device in the classroom. It isn't meant to be powerful and all encompassing like a computer, personally I don't want to carry around a computer, this is my light weight portable notebook, book reader (and it is WONDERFUL to read digital text on this thing), scratch paper, light side of business device.

It is hard to describe why I am excited to use it in my classroom since really you just have to use it a for a bit to have the "ah ha" moment to realize that this really is cool and unique, even though descriptions don't sound like it. You have to see this screen and how nice it is to interact with it.
I'm with you on the pricing, it was a big bullet to take :(
Very true! Nothing is better than competition, and after my ordeal today with the DMV... I wish they had competition too!
Interesting to think about all the possibilities. We are accepting ideas about how to use the iPad in the classroom. Submit yours now!
I don't get it... I didn't see a form to fill out. But that is what I was hoping to get a discussion going on here. How could we use this in the classroom, does it fill a need for the teachers and students? I think it does fill a need for some teachers and it would be darn cool if we could get all the students one of these. One of the apps I saw on there ($5 though :( ) was a digital notebook and it looked like a really nifty way for students to organize their notes and things for classes. Hmmm, this gets me thinking, in a digital age, with something like this we really could go paperless. Kids could keep their notes on the iPad. With collaborative technologies like this they can easily share notes amongst themselves, that would be nice... especially when a kid is absent. Using google docs, or some other app they could have a virtual binder of their work and with the right tagging system all of the assignments could go directly to the teachers account (whatever account that might be... possibly google docs, or another product more specific for turning in homework and linking to a gradebook in some way) and the teacher could grade and give feedback without having to physically collect and hand back That would actually save me time as I feel I waste a lot of class time shuffling papers.
I love my iPad, and can see a bazillion instructional uses. We are a pretty high tech school (1.26:1 computers to users ratio), and I would love to see iPads replace laptops as research and presentation devices. At the very least, I can take attendance while my laptop is projecting my do now! No more getting barked at by admin for late attendance It's the little things... :-)
Good point to the attendance, it is quite annoying to have to share your computer with your presentation device. Hmmm, not to just get Zangle to make an iPad/iPhone app for attendance... but I don't think that company cares at all about teacher convenience.
I'm going to let our PE teacher try it out; he has to take attendance for 60 kids at a time on clip board and then transfer it during lunch to the digital system. Also, he has to do data entry on his students via googleDocs, and doing double entry is tedious for him, no doubt. We do a LOT of collaboration via googleDocs and googleCalendar, and this would admit him into the fold of computer users. Give some love to the hard working PE teacher :-)
That would be cool... I'd think an iTouch would be more practical for that however. Fits in the pocket, less obtrusive. There are definitely cheaper ways to get internet devices.
One resource that would be great to see and develop would be a list of decent apps for middle and high school. Most of the apps I have found are geared toward elementary school.

My principal turned me on to TouchPhysics, very easy and a lot of fun to use.
Charles, I am SO WITH YOU! One goal for me is to learn to program.... yikes! and make the education apps I want. Let's see how I do it with as busy as I already am. (having baby #4 in May, teach face to face and online and a slew of other things I do I might be fooling myself)
I signed up as a developer... which is stupid since I don't know how to develop, but it makes me FEEL like I will actually learn.



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