Thanks to all who shared their wisdom during our recent webinar series. I tried to capture the high points of the conversation in this
new post for Edutopia, I'm curious where you look for ideas to continue fine-tuning your PBL practice. Do you have colleagues in your building (or district) who provide a helpful sounding board? Do you get opportunities to visit other classes and see PBL colleagues in action?
I've recently been reading
Teach Like a Champion, Doug Lemov's close-up look at the practices of highly effective teachers. I'm wondering whether the techniques he highlights have a place in the project-based classroom.
Many of the techniques Lemov endorses fit a teacher-directed learning environment. For instance, one technique he calls No Opt Out is all about the teacher guiding the classroom discussion (and ensuring that no student can duck out of answering a question--correctly). He artfully describes how this technique could engage students in helping their peers master concepts. But in the end, it's about a dialogue that the teacher initiates and directs--and that's not how conversations unfold in a PBL context.
So I'm curious, what are the concrete techniques you use that help your students succeed in a project-based environment? What helps you teach like a PBL champion?