I've searched all summer and have been surprised at how few blogs and websites there are for elementary gifted programs; maybe there are fewer programs!! Anyway, our gifted Center does tons of technology projects and we're always looking for good ideas or people to share in them. You can see a list of my websites and blogs and our classroom blog, wikis and projects at http://anotsodifferentplace.blogspot.com

I have students who would love to have penpals---let me know if you have any good writers hanging around. My students only do "formal" writing online (in class) so there is no IM jargon, or "all about me" fluff, I teach (or try to teach) them how to converse about things people are interested in---you can see our blog online at http://areallydifferentplace.org You can see a list of student blogs on the left or start at "recent posts". Not much action over the summer but we would love to have new people join us after August 27!!

Tags: blogs, book, discussions, elementary, gifted, penpals, wikis

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Thanks for checking it out. Yes, the ePortfolio were a county initiative that started three years ago. It was set up to measure the Four Strategic Objectives laid out by the Manatee County Schools' initiative Edvantage.
Rubrics for each Objective:
Enthusiasm for Learning
Goal Setting
Democratic Process
Global Outreach

I have a small group of students that are using a blog as their ePortfolios. Overall, it has been great to see how they apply these objectives to what they are doing in and out of school.

I love your blog and I have already planned to go back and read it. Thanks for sharing!
I mention techbraian Lou Lahana in my post You Can Get a Dalton Education at a NYC Public School . The school does not cater to "gifted"students, but rather helps all students find their gifts. I know it sounds like fluff, but after a visit to the school, it makes sense. Every student has a talent, and they help them find it. Anyhow, their techbrarian has a great blog with links to his students blogs. They are a terrific resource for you.
My son is 3 1/2 years old and is way ahead of his age. I do not know how get it assessed whether he is gifted or just smart. I have not come across any gifted child program in CT at all. So I also wonder, if your child can do something more than the other children then how can you encourage it
If you feel the need to know you could have a private therapist or psychologist test him. Probably doesn't make much difference at his age--the thing to keep in mind as he approaches 5 is early entry to school (if appropriate) or skipping kindergarten and going straight to first grade--this may be an option if he is 'old' for school entry or already been to several years of preschool. Generally schhols don't like to announce these options--but if he is reading 2-4 years ahead of peers you may consider it. There is a gifted network you might enjoy at http://giftededucation.ning.com.
Thank you for your response. I guess the best way is to cultivate this at home...thanks again :)
Your G/T blogs are great! Here's a list I compiled for our school library site with academic competitions (many offer scholarship prizes) that provide a positive outlet for gifted students: http://www.talcottacademy.org/library/contests.html

In addition to some creative opportunities for student achievement, these also help g/t kids connect with their intellectual peers and develop a better appreciation of the wide range of g/t students beyond the four walls of their own school.
Maybe try epals.com. Your students can connect with kids all around the world and maybe even create projects. Check it out. It is free.
Here's the problem we found using e-pal as a student email. We needed an email provider that would allow students to get individual activation codes for different applications--like animoto, floorplanner.com, atmosphir.com, lego digital designer, etc. E-pal blocks all of these types of emails. If you buy a domain name like 'mrssmithsclass' you can get 50 gmail accounts with your domain in place of gmail. (i.e, nancy@mrssmithsclass.com) That's what we finally did and it worked great!!



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