In trying to save paper at our school, a colleague and I came across this site called We've piloted this in both of our classes and are quickly moving towards almost non-paper summative assessments. They have just upgraded many new features on the site, and here is a list of some new things they have added.

# You can now add multiple choice, multiple response, free text, true/false, punctuation and essay questions all in the same test.
# All your questions from all your test are now exported into your questions banks to easily add to any of your tests if you like.
# All your tests are now grouped together, ordered by Category then alphabetical test name (no separation of test types anymore because they are all universal now)
# We have removed flash for serving the tests. All tests are now given in plain html for much better accessibility.
# All results are saved as the test is taken, so if a learner clicks away or closes their browser - they can log straight back in within 20 minutes and ClassMarker will allow them to resume the test. If you have the test set to 'save results and finish later', they can come back anytime to finish the test.

Obvious downfalls that we've come across. We have a small computer lab and one of our classes is extremely large and cannot fit in the lab for one testing session. We have yet to figure out what to do instead of allowing students to take the test on their own time or breaking the class up into different sessions.

I hope this helps someone. I'll followup with more as we continue to use Classmarker.

Tags: assessment, classmarker, maker, online, quiz, summative, testing

Views: 6043

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Hi Terry Parent,

Glad to see your nice post. Beside, you also could use some other free online quiz makers, sucu as easytestmaker and proprofs quizschool. For your summative assessment, it will be a good time-saving way to get the test results easily if you use some quiz result tracking system. Take a look at this free online quiz score tracking system, I think it is a good tool for teachers.
This discussion was very informative but what are the pros and cons of each? could you share your feedback now? :
Which one has combined writing, reading and listening--skills (with embedded mp3)

Classmaker has multiple choice, true false, free text, short answer, fill in the blank, punctuation and essay questions types

These look good but...
(Wondershare) do we have to pay?
Propofs---also looks good but do not support sound files...?
It depends.

To make some personlity quizzes without multimedia files, you can choose some free online quiz creators, they are free. Here are 12 free online quiz makers for teachers.

If you want to create some professional quizzes with multiple question types and some other powful setting features, you also should pay for the So, if you really want to make quizzes with multimedia and some math symblos, then, you should pay for it. There are no free quiz creators online for users to create multimedia quizzes. BTW, Wondershare QuizCreator may be the most cost-effective tool, Articulate QuizMaker is also good, but it is a little expensive. :-)
Ya, Terry, aside from classmaker, here are several other tools you may give them a try, cheers...

  1. Articulate QuizMaker
  2. Proprofs
  3. QuizCreator
  4. Lectora

Check the resources here:
Test Maker Software
Articulate Blog
I just wanted to thank you for that test generator. I will be coaching content teachers who have ELLs in their classes and this will take some of the pain out of differentiating their tests.

It's been a while since I've posted here. I just happen to be creating my tests on Classmarker right now, and realized I should mention the updates Classmarker has made to their site. There were quite a few, but some that really stick out was being able to embed images and YouTube videos as a part of questions and answers using the new BBCoding. This has expanded the type of questions I could ask. I was able to have students watch a short clip I made and have them respond. They also allow special characters to be easily copied and pasted into questions and answers. This is great for algebra and writing questions in different languages. I hope this helps.



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