Ashley Penman and I are running out of ideas to teach geography creatively. Any cool ideas involving technology?

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Ashley Stafford, a future elementary educator suggested that in order to effectively use georgrpahy and technology together, software programs that encompass drill and practice methods would successfully teach students geography. She specifically explained how software with drill and practice elements would teach and reinforce students' knowledge about states and capitals.
After researching the topic of how to use geography and technology together, Carmen and I found several creative ways to teach this skill to students.

The first website we found teaches students where continents and oceans are on a world map. The website for this site is:

Another interesting website we found was one that allowed students to become penpals with other students from around the world. Teaching kids geography using penpals could teach them the culture, location, and language of their penpals. The website for this is:
Google Earth would be a great way to do that !
I think that I've found a passion for geography by my travels, but we can't do that in schools. SO, my solution is to connect to people willing to collaborate over distances, using Skype, chat or otherwise.

You can also choose to incorporate the use of this cool application, Woophy, where you can actually LOOK at photos taken by real people in real locations. You can have the students consider the importance of geography in their location too and upload pics they take that give the quintessential illustration of your immediate and surrounding location. They can also upload pics from vacations, and if you connect to other schools, you can talk to the people who upload their pics! In fact, this is on my to-do list this year! :) Wanna connect?
Check out the thread we had on EFL Classroom. As I mention there, it is great to do the Where the hell is Matt videos and I'd even challenge students if older, to produce their own, even if just pics and a dancing icon on the screen/ppt.

Lots more...geographyatthemovies is super! I taught Geography years ago but I teach it every day also, can't avoid it!


The Beautiful Nation Project website is a powerful learning platform designed to revolutionize the way we teach, and learn.

Imagine if your text books could talk to you, and the news answered back! This website is built on a social network, which links its members and the content they share geographically. This allows for real-time global reporting, global conversations, global discussions, and global investigations across borders between classrooms and students!  

To help educators bring the world into the classroom, the network tracks the global sea expeditions of the Makulu crew. The Makulu crew are world explorers, using today's communication tools to stay connected with students while traveling the planet by sea. The crew use the art of storytelling to create interactive lessons to meet the needs of educators working with different literacy levels and learning styles in one classroom. 

The network also houses resources for educators and students. Articles, photos and videos produced by the Voyage of Makulu crew, along side real-time communication tools, maps, games and activities, offer ways for students to engage with the crew and each other in real-time, about real global issues. 

Articles are filtered into subject-specific sections of the network, called Channels. By subscribing to a specific Channel, your classroom can engage in online discussions and videocalls with the crew and each other about content posted in the Channel. 

Your classroom also has the opportunity to personalize its profile in the website. Member profiles allow your students to share information about their community, conduct global science data collection and participate in a virtual science fair with other classrooms in the network from around the world! 

Questions? Email and ask away!



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