I have been introduced to social bookmarking and how it can help teachers help each other on similar subjects they may teach. I have also heard it can be helpful to have this for students that need help reviewing subjects that they may have trouble understanding. The students can refer to the social bookmarking site for articles and sites to help them learn!

I was curious to know if any teachers used social bookmarking to help themselves and other teachers and/or if any teachers used social
bookmarking sites to share with students to help them with an outside
reference for learning!

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Hi Samantha,
We use Delicious here in our district. I actually wrote it into our MS Computer Applications course curriculum. Our students setup Social Bookmarking accounts on Delicious in grade 8. They continue to use them through high school. I also have introduced it to faculty during PD workshops in grades k-12. We have pockets of teachers who use it to share resources. Specifically, i have a large group of grade 2 teachers in our district who use it to share smartboard lessons and interactive sites. I have a number of teachers who use it to organize their own resources as well.
Doug, that is awesome! We have a mix of Delicious and Diigo users so there is some sharing going on, but not as much as could be happening.

I think if you get people hooked on the same one, it would be easier to share among teachers, between teachers and students, and among students. I am getting ready to introduce a research project with my students and I am going to encourage the use of social bookmarking so they can easily share information with group members since their group members may not be in their same class.

A colleague of mine set up a teacher account on Diigo with different topics for their research and they had to submit their articles that way so she could see the research they were doing. Not only did it make it easy to see their work, but it made their research visible for others in their class as well.
I was a big fan of Delicious for a long time. Diigo has taken over as my bookmark service of choice.

I prefer Diigo for it's abilities to group bookmarks into different lists (you can have 1 page in multiple lists). I also like Diigo because I can have it set to update my Delicious account too. Now every time I bookmark a site using Diigo it updates my Delicious account too, so I don't have to fully pull the plug on Delicious...
I have used Delicious because I haven't gotten into Diigo... but now that I know they can connect, I may explore a little more.

My only question... all of the 'stuff' I have bookmared on Delicious now... can it be transfered to Diigo if I were to switch over?
Yep - Diigo and Delicious do connect.

I think sharing bookmarks is a very powerful professional development tool. Creates community. Great if you use an rss feed on a community page to share.

For ELT / ESL / EFL - we have a whole library and group, all made.
Awesome! Add that to my list of things to do...

I just think it might be nice to have both so I can connect to more people - students or colleagues.
I love Diigo. Like Christopher I like the list facility and have several lists to further organise my bookmarks and/or share them with others. My Web 2.0 Directory list has proved popular.

I also automatically send the bookmarks to Delicious.

I belong to several Diigo groups so regularly get recommendations from other teachers which is excellent.



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