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I've notice that those in the traditional school environment who become involved in Web 2.0 technologies have begun to better appreciate the pedagogical discussions that have often driven homeschooling: engagement, individualized instruction, self-directed learning, etc. I think there will be many opportunities for very healthy and constructive dialogs!

So, welcome!
Oh, I forgot to mention that one of my four children is in the Arkansas Virtual School Program. I guess that makes him officially a public school student, even though I am his direct teacher. The curriculum used for the program is online based. It is called K12. He is also a student in some of the online homeschool classes that I teach through Virtual Homeschool Group.
Hi! I'm Linda Loder, from central Kansas in the U.S., and I'm just a geek who loves working with teachers and students to improve learning using technology. I think the web 2.0 'revolution' is going to result in great things for education.
"I think the web 2.0 'revolution' is going to result in great things for education."

I'd love to hear others thoughts about this, since I agree... :)
I am Cerese Godfrey from Georgia, USA. I work for a small rural school system as the Technology Coordinator. In a system as small as ours, a little knowledge seems to make people think you are an expert on all technology. I wish I knew as much as people think I know.

While reading forums like this, it show me how little I do know. Thanks for all your great ideas and for helping me learn about Web 2.0!
I'm Clif Dancy and I'm from Raytown, Missouri, USA.
Hi Folks! I am from Springfield, Pennsylvania and new to the education profession. I teach math and before that I made teeth (crown and bridge technician to be specific). I like being out here reading, writing, sharing and learning. Thank you for inspiring me!
Hello, All! My name is Nancy and I'm surprised I didn't join Web 2.0 sooner but if Reflective Teacher is doing Web 2.0, then it must be the place to be.
I teach high school English in the South Bronx (that's in the USA), and I like to beat myself in the head working around my school's technology shortcomings. It's fun! A little painful, but fun, nonetheless.
Good morning everyone from sunny florida. It's been a long week for me @ school and I am glad it's sat. This is my second year of teaching art @ a second chance school.It also happens to be my second career as I have been an illustrator and graphic designer for 18 years. My big push in my classroom is technology. Our kids are very hard to get interested in school and I feel that technology really captures their attention. I have been blessed to have a "dream" art room as far as technology. I just got 20 imac laptops for my kids and am anxious to develope a curiculum for next year using these babies!
If anyone would like to talk about tech in the artclass room or any classroom I'd love to chat and get/give ideas. By the way, my spelling is's my right brain thing...Lori
I come from Hungary.
My page:
Hi there! Finally made my way over to these parts, and what do I see? A ton of familiar names and faces!
I'm really interested in what we can create through sharing our ideas and methods, as well as in sharing my own successes and failures as I try to teach Language Arts through computers and internet resources.

Oh yeah, I'm from the US.
It is interesting how you can "bump" into people in various forums on the 'net.
We don't know each other, and yet ... we do.
Take care



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