Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hi, Scott! Great to have you here.
Hi Scott,

I see that Steve already said hi, but, as one of the hosts here in Classroom 2.0, I'd like to extend an official welcome.

As someone who has recently become involved with Second Life, I found your introduction very interesting. I was recently given a tour of ISTE by one of your volunteer docents and was very impressed by the island and its potential to develop and deliver great educational programs.

I'm currently developing two projects in SL and would greatly benefit from talking to people with SL experience and expertise. I'm also looking for places in SL to host these projects (I use my own place for PD sessions with pre- and in-service teachers). I'd love to chat with you inworld whenever you have time.

Welcome aboard!

- Konrad (aka Konrad March)
My name is Gary Miller, I teach middle school computers at Southwest MS in Rapid City, SD. Started as a HS business teacher in 1979, teaching typing on manual typewriters and accounting. Bought my first computer in 1984 (Commodore 64) and have been learning more about them ever since. Spent 6 years on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation at Little Wound High School. The last 2 years there I was the Tech Coordinator. Moved to Rapid City 13 years ago. I was an Instructional Technology Specialist in this district for 6 years, then the Administration decided teachers knew everything they were ever going to need about computers, so I'm back in the classroom. I teach 6th grade keyboarding, 7th grade computer classes (word processing, spreadsheet, database, powerpoint, internet, draw, paint etc.) and 8th grade Video Production and Electronic Publishing. Just beginning to learn about the Web 2.0 tools and trying to figure out where they fit into our curriculum. Will probably use blog or wiki in the 7th grade class this next spring. Would appreciate any ideas anyone has on how to use these tools in the computer classroom.
Welcome, Gary! I am still learning how to use Ning. I don't have any suggestions for you, but I enjoyed seeing someone I knew log in here!

Sherry Crofut

Congratulations on your award. Sorry you are not still teaching computers. We need good people teaching computers in this district. I don't know who took you place in the computer lab, but I'm sure they aren't working at it as hard as you did.

Thank you! I am still in shock about the Milken. There are so many teachers that deserve this award.

Chris is a new teacher that took my place. I have tried to touch base with him to see if he needs anything, but he hasn't seemed to want my help.

I am trying to learn the English curriculum and integrate technology in the classroom. I am not enjoying all the blocked sites in the district, but I am finding ways to work around it. I work at home a lot and bring a lot of things in around the wall.

Enjoy your year!

Hello, I am the library media specialist at a middle school on a large island in Puget Sound 30 miles north of Seattle. I also work closely with the Adventure Education class which is an experiential learning project that presently includes 6 expeditions each year and has been in operation for the last 15 years. This class has driven something of a technology evolution at our school because of the need to document these great experiences in video and now in weblogs and youtube postings; those things have been and are my job and a major enjoyment.
Hi Charles,

I'm one of the hosts here in Classroom 2.0 and I'd like to welcome you to our community.

The project you described in your introduction sounds very interesting. In fact, its sounds like the type of thing I'm always looking for to engage my students in producing their own work to share online. Could you post some links? I'm sure I'm not the only one here who would love to find out more. Perhaps you could post them on your profile page?

I'm looking forward to your contributions to Classroom 2.0!

Welcome aboard, Charles!
Hi, I am Christen Jacobs.

I love Classroom 2.0. I never sit next to the same person twice, and everyone has something interesting to say. I teach third grade in Mt Eliza, Australia. I'm trying to figure out exactly where I should be directing my energies regarding using new technologies in the middle primary school. I am getting started with blogging as classroom information and professional development.
Hi Christen,

We've already started a discussion on blogging platforms and privacy and it seems like you're already well acquainted with this community! Well, as one of the hosts of Classroom 2.0, I still want to welcome you officially to this community.

Hope to see you engage in many more discussions.

Welcome aboard!,

- Konrad
Thanks Konrad. I will watch the discussion with interest as it does seem to be the main reason for my school community resisting the idea of blogging. I am confident that I will be able to find out everything I need to know here. What an amazing resource!
Hi everyone. Cynthia Medina here. I lead a team of Instructional Technologist and Technical Trainers which are responsible for developing training programs for our help desk. I use a lot of web 2.0 technology in my personal life but we are just now trying to see how we can incorporate these in our training programs. I'm excited to be here.



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