I need checklists, rubrics, or student planning sheets for some of the 2.0 tools we are using in the classroom. I want to give the students some direction and hold them accountable for what they are doing online (after a period of messing around, of course!). Has anyone designed "assessment" tools for Scratch, Alice, Animoto, Floorplanner, Toondoo, Civ IV, Age of Empires, TheSims, Sim City, etc?

Add On 11/19/07
After reading Jeff's posting and discussion on assessment, I have clarified, in my own mind what I want. I don't know if I need assessment tools as much as accountability tools. I'm not trying to "teach" the tool I just want some way to know if the student is exploring all the possibilities beyond the easy "first steps" and it not quitting when the task becomes "too hard".

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I would love to host such tools in Yacapaca - it's a perfect fit. If you or anyone else is thinking about doing this I'd delighted to support you.
Thanks, All I have so far is a checklist of Scratch skills (from their website) , I may turn it into something I can use if no one else has already done it and if I do I'll let you know. N.
Hi - you might be interested in the discussion over on eClassics, regarding a rubric I developed for Civ IV. Hope it helps.
I'll check it out as soon as I get eClassics unblocked! Yikes.
You can also view the original post at http://electricarchaeologist.wordpress.com/2007/11/14/rubric-for-as...

but of course, the interesting discussion is over at the copy on eclassics.
As I mentioned in the addendum to my original thread---I've decided I really don't want assessment tools, I need some way to hold my 4-6th grade gifted kids accountable--so I'll call them accountability checklists. One issue, since I write all my own curriclum and see students from 1-6th grade each week I can't (or don't want to) delve into all the ins and outs of each program I make available to my kids, I just don't have time. Not knowing the program makes it hard to write a rubric/ checklist with many details. Was it Laura's idea to have the kids design the rubric? I might check into that option. Thanks, I enjoyed the discussion at eClassic.



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