Our school will be experimenting with several Android tablets as well as the iPad this summer in hopes of starting a pilot program at some point next school year.  Does anyone have any Apps, Ideas, or Advice they would like to share about using Android Tablets and/or iPads in the classroom?

Tags: 3.0, android, apps, classroom, honeycomb, motorola, samsung, tablet

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We "adopted" the Kuno tablets in May and we knew that we wouldn't get them until September. However, we still don't have them for our students. we ordered 280 or so and only have 20 of them for teachers to play with. I don't know what the hold up is. As soon as we know when the rest are arriving, we'll have a training sessions for the freshmen teachers and then pass them out to the freshmen. I hope that's soon. I want to use them with my students. 

Have you looked into using voicethread?

I forgot about voicethread.  I'll check that out this weekend and see how it works with these tablets. Thanks for the reminder.

Thanks to Mike Sebolt for sharing this great resource: http://www.android4schools.com/

I highly recommend Book Creator if you want to distribute your own books to your students who have iPads. Opens beautifully in iBooks, bit limited with functions at the moment but the designer is working at improving it and open to suggestions. Great app to go out and get into epubs.

Kendall - Does it work with Android tablets?

De[pends on what you're looking for. We use iPads in our district . For Art and drawing Apps I would suggest Art Rage, Brushes, and Asian Painting.

For Photography : FX Photo Studio, Camera Genius, Pro Camera iFX Magic, Simply HDR, Photo frames, WordFoto and Pano

For Animation and video Flip Book,  Flip it, Hollywood FX, Animation Creation, iMovie, and iMovie extras

For taking notes and writing Pages, DukePen Handwriting, Note taking and Idea Sketching (works best with a stylus)

For sharing files : Drop Box, Good Reader

For Presentations: Keynote and Keynote remote

For using your computer with your tablet as an interactive board- Doceri

Hi Scott, not sure on that one, I have an iPad. I had a quick google search and it does not seem to be available for androids. You can enquire with the developer, he was very quick to te back to me. http://www.redjumper.net/bookcreator/
Hi Scott,

From a techy point of view, I'd go for Android devices rather than iOS (iPad). (However, laptops are very small these days, cheaper, more powerful and would give your learners far more options.) Both Android and iOS are Unix-like OS'; Android is an adapted version of Linux and iOS is a locked-down version of OpenBSD. The advantage of Android is that there's a thriving community of developers who specialise in creating customised versions. One of the first things they do is remove all the extra "fremium" and adware put in by the vendors that usually run in the background and slow the devices down quite considerably.

The other thing it'll remove is an app called Carrier IQ, which is causing a bit of a commotion in the US at the moment. Have a look here for more information: https://www.eff.org/search/site/carrier%20iq It may not be strictly legal to use Android or iOS devices with Carrier IQ installed in schools with children. It isn't possible to remove or turn off the program without "rooting" the OS, hence why Android is a better choice.

I hope this helps!

Thanks Matt

Hi Julie,

The thing about recording audio directly onto a server is that it requires a media server, which is difficult and expensive to maintain. It's well outside the budget and capabilities of even large universities (some have rudimentary versions up and running but they're buggy and awkward to use). Most go for 3rd party web services of which there are hundreds of providers to choose from at varying prices and functionality. They do work better than any other approach though.

I have a proof of concept demo up and running on my R&D Moodle that is a microphone recorder. It integrates with Moodle's grade book too and doesn't have a maximum upload file size (unless you want to set one). The main advantage is that it doesn't require a media server so it's cheap (free) to run. The main disadvantage is that the recordings are in WAV format which produces significantly larger file sizes that MP3.

You can try it out here: http://moodle.matbury.com/course/view.php?id=9 Look for "Microphone recorder experiment".

Ideas and suggestions about how a finished mic recorder app could be used and how it would work are most welcome :)

I hope this helps!

Matt, you got my heart racing just thinking that I might have a solution. I tested it , but alas, it doesn't work on our tablets. I can get to the page with the recording buttons, so it is not caused by disabled flash or java script. This is really frustrating. I need to sit down with the tech people and show them what isn't happening with recording devices. Being able to record in Moodle would be perfect for us. I just don't understand why it doesn't work on our tablets. We're getting an OS update on Wednesday, so hopefully that will fix this. 

However, the Moodle microphone recorder will work on the computers in our lab. I'm assuming that everything our Moodle Meister needs to know to install it is on the page you mentioned above.





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