I also just found QlipBoard and Klerpoof and wondered if anyone has used them or other tools that work well for the k-5 GROUP? I have used Squeak with 5th grade.

Tags: DigitalStorytelling, art, cartoon, kids

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Well I called the network admin- and he is saying comcast is tightening the nodes, and limiting our access. Comcast in Mich has to give internet access to schools becaue they use public teleohone poles, public easments ect. So now they are they trying to limit how much access we have.

So I guess they are now cnsidering a DSL line. However the ways things move there I am thinking about crawling out my window and running a cat5 line a simple 10 100 and hook in the neighbors internet--LOL. Today noit even ONE computer could sign on. I had to dra out a Phonic fun cd for the 2nd grade- I mean you can only use kid pix fr so much....

I can't even have the kids Blog about there frustrations with the internet because you need an internet to BLOG.... I had planned on having the kids created avatars of stirybook figures, import them into a story teliing program and teach the 5 element s of a fairy tale. I know I could have used Kid Pix- but the stamps justed would be as engaging as creating avatars with their own photo's- Plus no on-line story creation. So they played the Kid Phonics Cd. After about 7 minutes they asked why there wasn't more to do. So We all sat in front of the projector and created a fairy tale together. I had a few saved animated gif's so I imported them. and promised to call yet again to get our internet back. Next the principal is at the door telling how frustrated she is because she has to email!!!!!!!!!! I explain I called- begged, and suggested she call as well. I guess you never appreciate something until it is gone.

Tonight I am going to Web Wack the sites I have have, save them on my pen drive and try to function again tomorrow...Recess anyone??
Sounds like the dark ages!! Is it time for a position paper to the superintendent or School Board?



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