I am a Tech Resource Teacher in our district and am the main trainer for Movie Maker/Vista for the city's teachers (around 900 total). We recently ran a city-wide assessment survey and the two top training requests were for Photo Story and for Movie Maker (way too cool!). Does anyone have some really good suggestions/ideas/stories about what you've done in the classroom?
I usually have a waiting list for my workshops and they fill up fast--the interest is there. My next one is for Photo Story for Art teachers in the city.
Many thanks!

Tags: Maker, Movie, Photo, Story

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That's the lady I wrote to. I deleted my one reply when I saw that I wrote, "They're not concerned about things not educational..." WHOOPS! What happens when I talk and write at the same time! She wrote back within a day.
I heard back from them and Julie said:
As per our terms of use, we offer "free" educational use of our music, limited to student use for in-classroom projects only, non-broadcast. Using Freeplay Music in a podcast does require a paid license to be secured with us. Please note, we do offer educational discounts and pride ourselves in working with our client’s budget needs. In addition to licensing on a per project basis, we offer annual educational blanket licenses which would give you access to the entire Freeplay Music production library for various uses. I would be happy to discuss this option further if you are interested. Sounds like blogs and podcasts are out unless we'd want to pay a fee.
There are some other free music (or at least creative commons licensed music) linked to from Alan Levine's blog:
Go down to bottom.
Perfect timing--I just gave a workshop for 21 teachers and they were asking for stuff like this--thanks for sharing. I'll post on my blog tomorrow.
Here's an article on finding podsafe music:!1pXOS7l93k8mqeQ7FlEEmOSQ!907.entry

Also have you seen the podsafe audio site?
Hi - I have worked with Julie at before, and I know she will arrange for something for your class that your school can afford. She will write you a blanket licence based on your projected use, and you don't have a lot of work to do on the back end, just make certain that somewhere there is a reasonable credit for the music used and the composer. It's good form to teach this anyhow, and it is not difficult. I always ask my students to include credits in their movies, and they document time spent in various production roles in the production log. The log provides something concrete to build assessment opportunities with, and the credits rolling at the end of the movie is a goal that they all want to work towards.
Thanks for the info--I'm working on a big unit with the intermediate art teacher with the idea of, "What if artists had had MySpace back then? What would it look like?" We introduce it tomorrow. I might take it further with your idea after state testing.
Great idea--I've seen some blogs done by "historical" figures like Harriet Tubman. Did you see the Library Journal article on Web 2.0 users. They used a fake My Space format for our biographies--it was fun.
Good idea
Thanks for sharing out.
I particularly like the idea of using technology to examine how advertising is used on the world, and the best way to learn is by doing it yourself.
It brings up the idea of having kids create Public Service ads, too.
With my English Language Learners we worked on the concepts of persuasion and gimmicks in examining cereal boxes. (This addresses a California 2nd grade standard about consumers and producers). After examining real cereal boxes, they worked in groups to create their own. They then pitched their products to the group using a linguistic frame... My cereal is called_________. I will persuade you to buy it by using the gimmicks of ______________ and ______________. The final part of the project was the creation of short commercials which they shot and edited themselves.
Thanks for sharing. I'll check it tomorrow when I can get to Broadband at work. I have one in college and one preparing--still paying for dial-up!
Hi--I am presenting a session at a technology conference in Virginia in Feb. on using MovieMaker in the classroom. Our technology coordinator has asked me not to do a tutorial but emphasize research based instructional strategies, instructional uses....etc, etc. . Have you done your presentation? Did you include specific instructional uses? Also, I am unsure how to address copyright issues. Any suggestions??? Thanks!! :)



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