"Tagging" Plagiarism's Types: A Socially-Based Approach to Raising Plagiarism Awareness

Your Name and Title: Jason Chu

School, Library, or Organization Name: Turnitin (www.turnitin.com)

Co-Presenter Name(s): Ray Huang

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: CA/USA

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Writing instructors and instructors who use student writing as assessment across the curriculum, academic integrity officers, school administrators, principals, librarians

Short Session Description (one line): Ten of the most common types of plagiarism have been identified and "tagged" with digital 2.0 monikers as a strategy to foster student identification and comprehension of how plagiarism can take form in their own work.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like): During this session, we will introduce attendees to the "Plagiarism Spectrum," a free resource that we've developed for instructors to use in helping students prevent plagiarism in their written work. The presenters will also share survey feedback from nearly 900 higher ed and secondary instructors that provides insight into the frequency and challenges of addressing these types within the classroom. Links to additional resources will also be provided.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: www.turnitin.com

Tags: 2.0, classroom

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While the resource you're proposing to focus on is free, to present as a vendor you need to be a sponsor.  Let me know if that is something you'd like to consider.



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