Your Name and Title:  Todd Rosenthal; Librarian

School, Library, or Organization Name:  City and Country School

Co-Presenter Name(s):


Area of the World from Which You Will Present:  New York City, NY


Language in Which You Will Present:  English


Target Audience(s):  3rd - 8th Grade LA or classroom teachers


Short Session Description (one line):  

Practically and philosophically based, I'll describe my experiments this past year running two digital book groups, one with 3rd graders and one with 5th/6th graders.


Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

How can we leverage the technology of the iPad to enliven and enrich our book groups?  We will explore features of specific software such as Subtext, iBooks and Google Play that enable children to respond to, discuss, navigate and understand text more fully.  Will also highlight ways the technology streamlines the logistics of running a book group.

After taking this workshop, participants will Integrate eBook and iPad technology into their book groups in innovative, effective ways.


Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

Tags: 2.0, classroom

Views: 305

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Todd, 

your abstract seems very interesting. can I participate or at least view your presentation. 

Unluckily I do not have an iPad so may be I will not be able to actively participate. But yours is a very good idea. good luck.


Fee Min.

Hi Fee Min (would Fee be your "first name"?),

Of course you can participate.  I'll just be outlining the software I used and how I used it.  Please join!


Hi Todd,

Thanks for your reply. No, my first name is Feemin itself.

Can you tell me the time and date of your presentation? can you also tell me how I can participate, where I must log, etc. Can you also tell me if I can view your presentation afterwards, in case I am caught with other commitments? 

As you can see, I am new in this field. I am still 'struggling in the deep waters'. The only common thing is that I want to modernise and help my students.

thanks for your help Todd.



It should be on Wed, 8/22 at 2pm.  Not sure of the exact link as I am new to presenting!  When the program is published and sent out I'm sure the link will be there.  Just look for the title.

that's nice. Thanks and good luck.

I hope one day I will be new to presenting as well.

May I just ask how I can improve myself? I am eager to be like you, to present as well, may be. I know how to use powerpoint. On which software are you presenting. I see some using vimeo, slideshare, etc... These do not make much sense to me right now.

sorry for being such a foolish beginner...

thanks a lot for your help so far.




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