Hello all, my students have been using skype to talk to students in Korea. I used powergramo to record our conversations, and after much editing have produced a podcast and converted it to a mp3 file. However, I now wish to embed a player in my blog and podcast, so that when people click on it, it plays only the Korean podcast. I use podomatic to host all our other podcasts, but when you put this into my blog, it just links you back to all my podomatic files. So, eventually my Korean one will get lost. Does anyone have any ideas and especially step by step instructions (my brain is pickled at this time of the year) as to how I might do this? Much appreciated and taa!

Tags: embedding, hosting, podcasting

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Hi Anne, You can use the 'music player' in a ning 'my page'. For example, you could use the one for your own page (as long as you are going to upload the mp3s yourself) - I don't think you've used it yet. There should be a box down the left side of your page that probably says 'you have not added any music yet'. Click 'add music' and upload the files.
The player will then appear on your homepage and will have an embed code (like a YouTube video) which you can copy and paste into another page. If you need help with that bit, let me know. Some blog hosts let you upload an mp3 and get it to appear as a single player on the page too.
Another option would be to host your audio at the Internet Archives and link to them from your blog - should work similar to my instructions for hosting audio for a slidecast.
Thank you for this Sue and I really enjoyed looking around you wiki. You have some great stuff there.
Thanks Anne hopefully this works with your blog. However if you want them to be podcasts as opposed to audio streaming you will need to use a plugin for your blog.
If you don't mind a link without a player, you can go to your podcast page ( for example http://schoolpodcast.podomatic.com/). Go to your Korean file and click the Download link. it will open up just that file in its own window. Copy and paste the URL and make a link to that URL in your wiki. When someone clicks on the link, it will take them to a page with the audio file. Not as elegant as having a player on the screen, but it works. Look here.
Hi Sue,
Just to say I loved your wikispace. I have just started working with a student who wanted me to record texts for him to listen to and I was thinking of using podcasts so he could either listen to or download the recordings and I got a lot of help and nice ideas from your site :-) My main host doesn't allow mp3's of any size to be uploaded to their server so I'll try out the sites you suggested for hosting. Have you tried this ning page and using the player there? To be honest I don't really know a lot about podcasting, etc. I use the internet mainly for things like hosting exercises I create with Hot Pòtaoes or Textoys. This will be my first time experimenting with podcasts
I've just been using Garage Band and iTunes to load our Spanish podcasts onto our wikispaces, but I don't know if this would solve your problem. But it has worked great for us... we just have it in our library and pick the one we want. If you think thio s will help, contact me! Look at some of ours by going to . That is my space, so then go to some of the student links on the navigation bar. From there, they will either have directions or you can go to their Chapter Three Assignments page. Some are at the top of the page and others have theirs at the botttom. If this is the kind of thing you want, let me know and we can go from there! Best regards!
This is a great discussion! Thanks for the great resources! Please consider joining the new Ning network I have created for podcasters of all levels. You all have much to offer! See my post in this Forum for more info!

Here's the link! www.ipodeducators.ning.com Thanks! Sue Palmer



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