Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hi Kevin,

I teach K-5 in a lab as well. I'm in Thornton, Colorado. Perhaps our kiddos could collaborate on some projects. I'm anxious to get started with some new experiences for my students.
Hi, all! I'm Dave Young, a senior instructor for the Information and Learning Technologies program at the University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center (USA).
Hi everybody,

I'm Karsten Kneese from Germany, and I'm not really a teacher, but I work at the University of Applied Science Koblenz, so I'm at least in the right industry. =) I'm very interested in how web2.0 will change the way we learn and teach, and how we can use those new technologies to make the world a bit smaller and raise the awareness for the need of a more global view on our planet. We're all sitting in the same boat, and if the guy who is rowing can reach the captain by means of some new technology any better, then I'm all for it.
Well, I hope that makes sense. Anyway, I'm looking forward to see what so many inspired and curious people will create here.
Viele Grüße aus Bonn.

Hello, everyone.

I'm Jennifer Parsons, and I'm a library student from St. Louis, Missouri, in the United States. Like some others I've seen here, I wandered in from Library 2.0. And, like most of those people, I'm excited about new advances in information science, and what it means for learning-- at any age!
I'm Brian Bridges and I'm Program Manager for CTAP 6 (California Technology Assistance Project). We're housed at the Stanislaus County Office of Education in the beautiful country of Modesto, CA where our motto is "Water, Wealth, Contentment, Health." Of course, that was second place in the contest run by the chamber of commerece back in the '20s. First place went to "Nobody's got Modesto's Goat." Unfortunately, that motto never made it to the arch that in downtown Modesto.

Our charter is to train and provide assistance to school districts as they write technology plans, to do the same with technology grant writing (specifically Competitive EETT grants), and to provide both skills and technology integration professional development. My focus for the past year has been professional development in the flat world, specifically utilizing those technologies that transcend borders to reach our customers. A variety of high-priced commerical products are being used by several institutions, but I'm hoping Web 2.0 (specifically Zoho Meeting) will provide a cheaper alternative.

I'm really interested in your take on the Zoho products, Meeting in particular. Please keep us posted.

Hi, I'm north of you in Sacramento. I use Vyew to meet with students about homework. I just wish more of them had online access in the evening.
Greetings from the beautiful Pacific Northwest!

I serve pre-service and inservice teachers as assistant professor of educational technology in a College of Education. All of my courses flow through instructional blogging and all of my students create and maintain their own blogs for coursework and beyond. Additionally, I facilitate monthly pro dev workshops focused on Web 2.0 Tools for Schools in Tapped In.

I am grateful for this well designed space and familiar faces. Thank you to all for founding this community. Steve, this is a sweet space indeed.

Quentin D'Souza from Ajax, Ontario, Canada.

How to describe myself ... hmmm ... father, husband, educator, and computer geek. In that order.

Hi to all!

I'm a 9-12 business/computer teacher who WANTS to teach lots of things but only
has time for limited things. In Kentucky we have a program called STLP (Students
Technology Learning Program) and I sponsor that group at our school. I've been
blessed (please note the sarcasm there) to be the yearbook sponsor as well.

I'm interested in learning all I can about technology for myself as well as to be able
to share it with my students.

God bless!
Hi everyone, this is Sharon Betts from Maine, USA. I am the Educational Technology Director for a small district who has seen the value of open source and web 2.0 in action. I met Steve at NECC and have enjoyed working with his great ideas ever since. It is so nice to see names that I recognize as cyber-friends here also.
Hi - I'm Susan van Gelder from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I present workshops for teachers and do other kinds of professional development. Glad to be here.



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