Hi all!

Question - How do you guys embed E and D into your sessions? I.E. do you plan discussions within a session, deal with issues as they occur, or plan seperate sessions using materials provided by your organisation? Comments welcome! Rebecca

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Hi Lyndise. I was going to post something about this yesterday and then wasn't sure if it was relevant but I ended up mentioning today in lesson.

With regards to using technology in lessons. How about in a practical exercise demonstrating the power of sight and sound.

Going back to the communication theme of last week when we tried to gauge what was happening without the sound. You could play them audio of someone and get them to analyse if that person is happy, sad, withholding information. they could practice counselling over the phone like the Samaritans etc.

Hi Stu,

What an excellent idea!  I'm always trying to stress to student counsellors the importance of non verbal communication, as they tend to become so focused that they often miss the bigger picture of the clients communication.  By using the first method that you suggest it would allow them to compltely focus upon non verbal cues.

Also, I have several students that currently volunteer as telephone support, one in fact for the Samaritans, so your second idea is exteremely relevant.  Thanks Stu

Hi All

Going back to non-verbal communication and reiterating some of what has been said, I thought I'd share something that came up in class today!


We have been working on different texts for differents purposes, and following the students 'Scavenger Hunt' in town today whereby they brought back all manner of leaflets, flyers and so forth [as well as photographic evidence]- I showed some clips relating to advertising - therefore 'persuasive' They related to various rides at theme parks and I got them to discuss how they were advertised - the 'persuasive' clues etc. But as we watched a youtube clip taken by a passenger on 'The Saw' ride - I realised that there were links that could be made to communications also. There were no people to watch during the clip nor were there any words.


However - you got a feel for the ride by the sounds and visual aspects [gradually going up slowly - the anticipation before dropping down suddenly etc] and it felt like you were actually there. In terms of sound: the sounds of sighs, anticipating the next part of the ride, the screaming as well as the sound of the saw giving it a horror film film effect and feel.


There was so much conveyed that I then asked the students to 'describe' what they had seen, heard and felt and what their overall impressions were from the non-verbal clues - thus recapping some of their communication work from earlier on in the course, as well as covering descriptive language.

I now plan to use this clip as part of the work that students do for their communication skills module!!

I don't think I would have picked up on this if it had not been for our discussions last night in calss :)



Hi Tina

Hi Tina

Would you let me have the you tube link? This sounds like something my learners would love - write a description see/hear/feel. I do like using your materials - might have to pay you a finder's fee! I'm always looking for different ways to motivate them to write and I know most of them love theme parks. I try to use as many different materials/resources as possible to cover all learning styles and interests.( On a practical note - the supermarket on the Peartree trading estate has a stand full of local attractions leaflets - very useful for projects) My learners respond well to kinaesthetic activities, and resources which are visual/aural. In my experience, they absorb more of the language when they are fully engaged 

Hi Tina,

What an imaginative idea, it feels slightly similar to Stu's previous suggestion; in cutting out some of the other compentents of communication it allows students to focus on the non verbal aspects of communication.  I use silent role play exercises, in a similar way to your youtube clip; in an attempt to deconstruct communication into verbal, vocal and non verbal.  It never ceases to amaze how students are able accurately tune into paralanguage.

Hi Lyndise

Yes very similar to what Stu has suggested. I've not tried role play with them yet and it would depend upon the group and dynamics etc - but it is anohter thing that I hadn't thought of doing that I think would work really well and add some movement to the class.


Best wishes


Hi Rebecca


Here is the link to 'Swarm' another theme park ride - but from this link you should also be able to access 'The Saw' as put on Youtube by someone who recorded it as they were going round on the ride!! If you cannot find it let me know and I'll go back and share that specific link.

Re: Leaflets - the students went into Clacton town centre yesterday [albeit that we are very lucky to be so close to it] - they had an hour to do a scavenger hunt whereby they needed to find examples of:

A job advert

A flyer

A discount

A special offer

An attraction

They came back with lots of leaflets but had also recorded photos on their mobiles of posters along the sea front [Cinderalla pantomime - half price bowling etc etc] They'd also gone into the library and the job centre and even found ads for jobs in a newsagents window.

We followed on today by diversifying slightly - working on newspapers - with the view of creating a class paper, but there are a few clips that I use to split up the written work and study with some fun breaks or interesting snippets - all related to newspapers.


One of the clips is actually by Stomp and uses sound and mime - again it reinforces the work we have done in their classes for their comms. The link for this is as follows:


http://youtu.be/7NhFmARAgu0  - Stomp - Newspapers [Dance & Rhythm]

I love this clip - you may need to give it a couple of minutes to get into but it is actually very clever. You can interpret all of the feelings of the person who is in the centre of the group as well as the humour and thoughts etc - see what you think as you might be able to use this as well.


Another clip is of Jack Dee at the Apollo - discussing things you find in local papers - hilarious but not sure if your learners would be able to follow it. There was also a 'Yes Minister' clip where he lists what different types of people read which newspapers - it's brilliant but sadly went over the heads of my students today so I'll probably cut that one out in future. BUT - you cannot say that I have not been trying hard to be diverse!!!


 P.S. I'll be heading to that supermarket now!!

Hi all

Most of the courses that are delivered at this centre are geared around learners that are employed at a company (apprentices) and we also delivery short term course about a 10 week programme for NEET (Not in Education Employment or Training)

The apprentices also have to complete a course called PLTS (Personal Learning Thinking Skills) here is the link to this as it explains it better than I could, but again this covers E and D in the workplace, at college’s and the community.



For the Neet courses they have employability sessions which addresses some of the above but also assists them in C.V writing, job searching and interview techniques as well as progression from the course and again this is also embedded into the course .

I will very soon be starting yet another course based a Harwich for the Energy Skills Sector, training learners for the wind energy sector, they will be aged 18+ so does Equality & Diversity come into this????

Well the industry will not allow a 16/17 year old out into the wind farms as they are considered construction sites they also have to complete courses in working  from height and the most important course is the off shore survival ticket so could this open a debate or does common sense prevail I ask myself.

Hi everyone,

I am now getting on my soap box after a discussion that I have had with my line manager, I have been told that when the new courses come on line at Harwich that I will have 12 learners at a time and there Is only going to be 1 unit in welding ……not a problem …….. My problem comes when I have to deliver this module over a 3 week period with 12 learners and only 7 welding bays.

I have been asked to come up with a plan of action for this but basically I do not have the resources for this course

 I have some ideas but I would like to throw this out to you guy’s n gals to see what you think…….. I seriously think that this is an E & D issue

Your thoughts and ideas would be greatly appreciated



Hi Mark

I can understand your frustration, is it in the longer term the aim will be fulfiled and sending them on a learning journery before they get to the point of working in the trained environment?

About your point with 12 learners 7 welding bays and only 3 weeks. simular to 36 learners and only 14 computers. Is there any theory you could introduce to the course ? Perhaps you could get them to research a project as well and timetable this around the welding. you would then be using the minimun core as well- IT. Not sure how your course is structured so you might be doing this.

When this happens in the learning enviroment due to internet being sometimes slow or unreliable or not enough computers I have to react in action, so the learners are seeing the learning as seamless. I use resources to reflect this. We will sometimes need to jump around but this is communicated with the learners of what is happening and recorded on their progress review, so we do not lose track. This is fast track learning!

The learners do not find this a problem as they are gaining skills from IT, employability, english and maths, Particulary useful in preparing them for the workplace, as at work you need a back up plan!!

This also covers E & D as they have outcomes but achieving in different ways


Hi Sue,

Thanks for your reply, there are theory sessions and they would have to do UPK (Under Pinning Knowledge) however I can’t split the group up as they would require supervision for both, the classrooms are upstairs and the workshop on the ground floor, they will be working to a NVQ Lvl 2 in welding and fabrication and have to have 60 GLH for each module, there are also 3 assessments that they would need to complete to match the framework, in total they have to complete 6 modules 3 mandatory and 3 trade specific all this done in 10 weeks.

One way I was thinking is to pair up so you have a doer and an observer this could help as then they can learn from each other (peer learning) but this might cut down the GLH technically and I feel harder to keep the observer engaged.



Hi Mark.

In your position I would probably do as you have suggested and pair them up. It may not be ideal as you would obviously prefer to have the students working independently but at least in pairs the students should be able to focus on the activity, learning, planing, advising and reflecting. Maybe the students could rotate frequently within the tasks to reduce the possibility of the observer losing engagement?

I have exactly the same problem in music tech. But for me it is 8 students to 1 computer.

No matter how much I try to keep them all engaged, rotating them and breaking them down into pairs for differentiated tasks. Even in my best sessions there are always little points when there are a couple of students sitting idle (chatting). The sessions are two hours long so I have come to the point of treating it like a break provided they do not disturb the active students and everyone gets to an equal chance to achieve the learning goals, experiment and try new things.

I posted a separate link about this the others week hoping that some tech tutors might reply.



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