Hi all!

Question - How do you guys embed E and D into your sessions? I.E. do you plan discussions within a session, deal with issues as they occur, or plan seperate sessions using materials provided by your organisation? Comments welcome! Rebecca

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Hi Stuart,

I was going to say that this is not just a problem with this course but other's as well; I can see your point it's like having a music session and no base guitar or drums. I will need to see the timetable when it becomes available to see if I can move the class around with half the class in practical sessions the others in theory or functional skills, if this can’t happen then it would be pairing up or worse case scenario deliver 2 courses at the same time half fabricating and the other half welding, I have done this before at a previous training provider but that in its self can be problematic as I'm wearing 2 hats so to speak.



Hi Mark and Stuart

Just a quick thought, do you have a observation form for the observer?  Perhaps use this to engage the observer so they pay attention, maybe use this as a for  one to one discussion, so they know practical and observation are both important.


Hi Sue,

I like the idea of an observation form and that the paired leaners can then discuss with each other the findings and ways to improve. I have to make sure that the pairs are rotating all the time as it is impotant that all learners get as much hands on practical training as possible in the very short time available.


Hi Sue.

I really like the idea. I'm not a hundred percent sure how I would apply this as there are so many things to address. I can see it working but its going to take quite a while to focus all the relevant points. The college I'm at is on a paper purge. The students only have diaries. They have very little in the way of handouts and anything like this is kept in a folder at the school.



Hi Mark,

It could be that your learners will already be used to independent learning and group work and would be quite happy to engage in different tasks as Stuart suggested. Perhaps in your planning you could divide the session into half practical and half theoritcal and make the learners aware of how these sessions are going to work over the 3 weeks.

I find that learners are quite dependent on me when teaching practical tasks that they have not done before but once they have grasped the skill are really keen to carry on with developing their knowledge by practicing independently. When I set learners a research based assignment, the learning is independent and allows them to become engaged in a different way. Setting them small tasks and maybe a time frame to achieve them might be a way of monitoring their engagement and giving you the time to work with those doing the practical part of the session.

On the plus side, this experience of teaching with limited resources will only improve you as a teacher because you will have to be more resourceful and find ways to use what is available in your lessons.


Hi Mark,

Another thought I just had was that it can often be difficult for learners to use what they learn in new contexts. Perhaps you could use problem-based learning or case studies which would service their learning to create learning environments similar to the real world for both the practical and theoritcal skills.


Hi Sue,

The minimum core is embedded into the course there is allot of mathematical theory, use of ref books UPK that are either hand written or IT as well as communication skills and obtaining the relevant information and making use of this information.

When equipment goes down and it does I agree you have to think fast and work outside the box to overcome these situations, this does show the learners alternative ways around the problem and sometimes the learners can come up with an alternative themselves to keep the job moving on…………… you have to be 2 steps ahead of the game for the what if factor.  



I have to agree with you there Mark, Due to the nature of the vocational training we do, it is inherent in the process. Possibly more so with machining and sheetmetal work where there are formulas that need to be mastered to work out bend allowances and cutting speeds, plus the use of trigonometry etc. One interesting point that is worth mentioning is that the awarding bodies are not too fussy about the use of good english in the UPK, relying on the assessor to interpret and check these for correct information content.

Dyslexic students at CI are given Pink Sheets to hand in with their work. They advise the assessor to be less critical with regards to spelling and grammar and focus on the quality of the content. Do you you guys have experience of these?

Hi gang, sorry I'm late to the discussion (101 posts in this thread and I've only just arrived, I have some reading to do tonight...)

Back to Rebecca's original question, how do I embed E&D into my sessions....  well I am at a slight disadvantage in that the sessions I've been part of have been limited in number and variation, but what I have done is as follows:

I have worked with smaller groups where possible, due to the nature of creative media and the short workshops involved in learning the tricks of the trade the smaller the groups are the better.  As part of the team-teaching I've done with existing creative media tutors I've been taking smaller groups to an adjacent room and working with them in an environment isolated from distractions (for them and myself) where I can give more attention to each individual.  This way I have also been able ensure that each member of the group is engaged in a significant share of the decision-making and physically taking-part.

I have also tried to make my sessions inclusive by encorporating 'VARK', providing (in small amounts where the nature of the work does not allow greater) something for the visual, aural, read/write and kinaesthetic learners to grab hold of.

An opporunity arose recently whereby a learner had turned up so late that they'd missed my entire workshop and would have completely missed out, if I hadn't decided to (and had the coincidental opportunity to*) take him through the exact same material all over again, thus ensuring he had recieved the same learning experience as his peers (or better, even, as it was a 1:1 instead of large group session).

*The tutor that was supposed to be teaching them for the other 45 minutes of their 1.5-hour lesson was unwell, so my 45 minute session finished just as this late arrival turned up, and as there was nothing else for him to do, the resources were still available and I was available, I repeated the session for him.

Hi Tom,

Welcome! I also work in a similar manner in order to embed E&D into my teaching sessions. I try to incorporate a variety of teaching methods after I have made a good assessment of the different learning styles. We have a couple of learners who require LSP's and I often find when demonstrating digital sessions onscreen that they find it extremely difficult to keep up. At this stage, I introduce a worksheet in order to reiterate content and to place information within a context. It also acts as a support system for learners and as a means for enabling extension learning.

The thing that I find really difficult it the room layout - tables are facing the walls all around the edge of the room so learners have to turn 180 degrees in order to see the screen. This just doesn't work when they are following onscreen instructions. Does anyone have any ideas of how I can solve this issue to make the ? - changing the furniture around is not an option as the layout is fixed for plug sockets for the macs and scanners.


Hi Heather


That room layout is really hard to deal with - I can only think that maybe you could have times during the session where all learners would be asked to turn around and maybe join in some verbal discussion or maybe view some screen prints as handouts as they are going along so that they do not have to do the 180 degree turn quite so often??


Could they follow screen print instructions - whilst 'listening' ?? I'm not sure if this really helps!! Just a thought - sounds very difficult to be able to do an awful to about. I'll have another htink about it though!!





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