Hi all!

Question - How do you guys embed E and D into your sessions? I.E. do you plan discussions within a session, deal with issues as they occur, or plan seperate sessions using materials provided by your organisation? Comments welcome! Rebecca

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Hi all

The use Of E & D is embedded into the course and is monitored at all times especially behaviour to others, with the use of health and safety policies. Students are given 1 to 1's where they can talk to me about the course and any other concerns they have. The course I am running is a full time level 1 foundation course in engineering and is predominantly male orientated however we do occasionaly have females on the course which is great to see. The cohort I have are aged between 16-19 and the field they are going into is heavy fabrication and welding in the construction industry.

With the reply frrom Meltem I too have ground rules that the group have to adhere to and they are given the opportunity to add to these rules as they feel fit however they have to be appropriate to the course and agreed by the rest of the cohort.

Lessons are usually delivered in the workshop to give a more realistic approach to the subjects and I find this to be better for all involved as they are more engaged when it comes to learning, they are encouraged to talk to each other in the sessions (Peer Learning) and are free to move about still maintaining safe working practices at all times.

Behaviour and attitudes to others are a big part to the coures and how you relay information over as most of these learners have never been employed or work in this type of industry before,

If any one can come up with other ideas this would be a great help




Hi Mark

Do you have the problem of needy students ? I am currently having this issue where their level of learning is correct, however they are dominating the class within out realising their needs are being addressed first most of the time. I am worried that quiet learners may feel they are being pushed aside , hence I am struggling to balance my time evenly. Today being an example. I have tried to promote independence or approach a different way, but at every hurdle they need my support, mainly for reassurance.

any advice please?








Hi Sue

So you have attention seekers if I am correct, this can be a problem, when you have your sessions are you the only one in there delivering and is anyone else available to assist you then they can either monitor the rest of the class while you deal with the learner or vice versa, is there any time in the session that you can get them to work in small group’s then you can concentrate on all of that group at the same time and just maybe the group can learn from each other but this is dependent on the room layout. Do you have feedback sessions and if so get them in first so once you have finished with them they can leave the centre. It is hard when someone tries to grab all your time for them self but I tend to say to them just go back over what you have already done and I will be with you as soon as I can, did the rest of the group suffer from this distraction. Hope this helps ............... PS thanks for the tip about posting it's much better 

Hi All

Some really interest posts on here, I am making notes as I'm sure this will come in useful during the next few portfolios!

Equality and Diversity for me is about ensuring everyone is treated the same but in different ways, using varied resources to include fair representation of all groups. Using teaching styles that encompass all learners so they are making progress within their learning and adapting your session plans to ensure that you can support struggling learners and push the more capable ones.

Within teaching ICT you have varied levels of ability as a starting point, it is ensuring all learners build on existing skills and learn new skills, embedding this through practice and improving confidence.

As most learnersI teach are mandated to learn ICT, it is about reassuring them and supporting them as a starting point……..being non-judgemental and respect

What happens in the classroom is so full on, that you do not get time to reflect on what and how you do it.  Any tips on this would be gratefully received :)




Susan, you said: "ensuring everyone is treated the same but in different ways" - I would re-phrase that myself to say that I would 'treat' everyone differently to enable them the same access to the education we're trying to provide, my case being that everyone is different and has different needs, so whilst the learners are all happily going along learning things, they may well be totally unaware that we're differentiating for them all to ensure that as many of them as possible are absorbing what we're trying to teach.

Hi Sue,

It is similar for me when I teach software packages such as Photoshop and Illustrator. These are industry standard programmes so it is important for the learners to be aware of their purpose and how to successfully use them. At the beginning it was really tricky for me to gage the levels and I was still thinking as a Design Manager working in a studio rather than as a teacher with 16-18 year olds who had never used the software before!

Ways in which I now reflect on how the teaching has gone is to get the learners to contribute to the session through their own reflection and evidence of their learning. For example in the past I have set up a photo-sharing group on Flickr and used this as a means of asking learners to participate in sharing what they have learnt by uploading photos of their final outcomes. This could be a screen grab of their digital work, or it could be photos of inspiration that they have found out and about. It has worked quite well as it means learners can comment on and discuss their images and ideas. As I teach a visual course I think it is important for the learning and reflection to be visual also.

Another idea could be to ask learners to create a class blog at Wordpress or any other free blogging site. You could ask learners to use it to recap lessons, ask questions/add comments and discussion points, and post additional resources (including graphics, photos and embedded video).

I wonder if any of these ideas could be incorporated into your teaching practice.


Hi everyone, Sue, I have previously had a situation where one particular learner dominated the class.  I struggled with it for quite a long time, until asking my Curriculum Manager what to do.  She advised me to have a one to one with the student and discuss what was happening in class.  I had to ensure that I was really tentative and tried to highlight to the learner that they were actually missing out on lots of learning by not hearing other peoples perspectives.

It was a difficult call, but it made a massive difference and reduced lots of bad feeling that had developed from other learners.  Hope that's useful.


Hi Sue, Lyndise, everyone .......beginning to sound like the Walton's 

I too had a situation where I had a learner that was totally disruptive in sessions  from a previous course I may add, Attendance was poor and when they did make an appearance they were very disruptive in all lessons, this also had a knock on effect on the rest of the group and control of sessions became difficult as the group dynamics changed when he was there.................. not going too deep into this they were pulled over and questioned about attendance and disruptive attitude, it turned out that they had issues at home and where going to thrown out of there accommodation, they was passed to pastoral care for assistance and help and extra time was given to catch up on course work, unfortunately again they abused this help still didn't turn up got even further behind to the extent that they could not catch in time without having a total one on one session for the duration of the course .................. the decision was made by my manager and Essex County Council who was sponsoring them  to remove him from the course as they had been given enough support and help ............... It has to be said that this was the right call as the group dynamics yet again changed for the better and there was no further problems with that group, so it has to be said that although you try to do all you can to support learners sometimes is it really the right call to keep them on when the rest of the group suffers.......... a moral question 


Hi all

How would you deal with the learner that is doing all the correct things but lacks confidence so therefore becomes very needy, takes your time away from other learners, is more than capable of acheiving the qualification? This has happened more than once within the classroom. They are pleasant and not domineering to the rest of the group however they have no self belief.


Hi Sue,

Maybe the learner has an issue with communicating in front of the whole of the group, so it may be easier to deal with their personal needs by instigating smaller group activities? Working as a team often produces better results as the experience of sharing ideas can be valuable to their own learning. Perhaps a problem-solving activity where they share ideas could encourage the development of interpersonal skills which could help your learner.



Hi Sue

Have you tried and I think it's called the Medal and Mission approach can you set smaller or bite size tasks then a certain stages check their work and move them on again, I would think this can be a bit time consuming however they become condition if that’s the appropriate word to continue on their own, I sometimes have the same problem but it’s normally about lack of ability.



Hi Lyndise - was this a 'sandwich' approach?  Praise-criticism-praise?



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