Ok, PLEASE help me out. I'm trying to create some materials for pd and want some input. Let's start at the bottom with our email-only, Powerpoint-loving colleagues (nothing wrong with that, just want to help them advance!). What do these teachers need to know in order to teach effectively in today's technology environment? Your list can have MORE than 10 (or less, I guess, but who can think of less than 10?!?) Doesn't have to include only 2.0 tips, could be Office, etc.
Thanks so much, I know every single one of my CR2.0 colleagues has a wealth of knowledge to share :-)

Edited to add: I put the replies together in a "transcript" for those of you wishing to use it for PD. Published it as a GoogleDoc here - http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=ddx5s2vf_14nk6spfgj

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Completely agree, Sue, and was challenged by a colleague for using blogs in keyboarding class for exactly this reason.
My rationale:
1) Blogging gives students time on the keyboard and helps them develop stream-of-thought typing speed
2) At this age level, any writing is good writing, and students are learning to actually compose rather than just doing drills for typing practice
3) And a bonus, they're getting an awesome geography and socialogy lesson!

We're planning on creating typing tutorial podcasts and videos as well. My rationale: teaching is one of the best forms of learning.

#2 - I really like the image-result search engines for younger, LD, or ELL students. http://pagebull.com just on example
#6 - one auto repair shop in our city requires all technicians to have keyboarding training so job input is easier and more efficient for customers
#9 - we're loving using blogs in my 6th grade classroom (http://mrsolson.edublogs.org and http://6gradew.learnerblogs) for practicing keyboarding and writing skills. They LOVE the hit counter and clustrmap for seeing where people are coming from. I publicize their work here and twitter (kolson29) so people other than just classmates and me are reading it :-)
I took another look at your students' blogs and read your blog on the desire to have fewer questions/more reflection. I started with pretty tight reins when our blog started a year ago. Formal writing, no IM, no chat lingo, start a conversation. I don't know that they're setting the writing world on fire but considering they are only 10-12 years old, they're doing a good job and doing a lot of writing.
Nancy - I agree that there's a need for formal writing, but I believe that if we limit students to our belief on how blogging should look, we'll seriously limit the interest and use of the medium in our classrooms. I cringe when I see abbreviations and no capitalization, but I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that this is the way our students are communicating in their "real world". I think there is a place for both forms of writing and students should be given the opportunity to use either at appropriate times. In an effort to improve the formal writing side, I'm having our police liason officer "drop in" to my class next week to go over the COPS acronym for writing (and blogging!). He's going to pretend to be writing out tickets to the kids who haven't followed the rules :-) They don't know he's coming and is going to act all tough with them.
C - capitalization O - overall appearance P - punctuation S - spelling. (Got COPS and officer idea from an LD teacher in my building.)

I just try to remember that blogging is constantly evolving and I can't predict how it will look even next year.
We'll agree to disagree on this one. Just because students can text (while driving a car) in a language they can read doesn't make it acceptable. If they have a personal blog, or network amongst friends they can write anyway they want but our classroom blog is a reflection of who they are in our classroom. Smart, professional, thinking writers. I'm always trying to raise the bar, not lower it. Our class blog may differ from yours in that our blog is voluntary--only those who want join in on the conversation blog. Hopefully the conversation is what brings them back--not the gimmick.

We also do online book discussions--just finished for first semester. The "rules" are the same--formal correct conventions, no misspellings, etc. We had over 4000 entries--that's a heck of a lot of writing!! Later N
I love this idea. It is so interesting reading what others think is most important to know about technology. I can't think of 10 things off the top of my head but I think #1 should be... you don't have to go alone (and mean it). I think it is important to give timid technology users a little comfort and a lot of support up front. If they know they don't have to do it alone, they will be more willing to take the first step. I believe that the technology advocates in each school building have a responsibility to their colleagues to be mentors even if it means doing it for them (modeling just as we do with our students) until they learn and are at ease with the technology.
Janice - yes, yes, yes! Too often the experts are so into doing their own thing (and getting REALLY good at it!) that the novices are left behind. I believe it's our (teachers, techies) responsibility to share the knowledge as we go along. I'm currently offering training sessions on edublogs to teachers who are completely unfamiliar with blogging - they were given a short intro to the topic (as was I) and just don't have the skills or time to take off on their own.
Off the top of my head -
1. What is the technology world of the students? What are they already doing and using at home, with others?
2. Technology on its own is not going to make a difference. Good pedagogical practice is even more important.
3. Start with the end in mind. What outcome do you want the kids to achieve? Plan the most effective tool (or a variety of tools) to achieve this.
4. Technology can be used throughout the learning process, from brainstorming, raising questions, researching, journaling, communicating, reflecting, reviewing, publishing, presenting, sharing and evaluating - etc..
5. Give students a voice to suggest ways technology can be used to support their learning.
6. You can learn together. Don’t always have to be the expert.
7. Consider that not everyone is on the same page (kids or teachers). Consider group learning as a way to achieve success.
8. Find people who you are comfortable with to seek help. A ‘Yellow Pages’ of experts could be an idea for staff and students.
9. Be flexible.
10. Have fun!
Helen -

# 1 is great! I do this with my students via blog posts. Check it out at http://mrsolson.edublogs.org/2007/12/07/welcome-to-keyboarding/ and http://mrsolson.edublogs.org/2008/01/07/mrs-olson-is-catching-up/.
Looks great Kate. Neat way to find out how they are using the technology by using the technology!
I'll throw in a quick one or two.

File management. Whether this is Mac, PC, or Linux, it is one of the most important, time-saving, eye-opening training that can be conducted. It truly is a game-changer from low-proficiency computer users. The concepts here, can carry over into quite a few other areas.

Common keyboard shortcuts. This is related to the above suggestion. Teaching common keyboard shortcuts and where they can be used is invaluable. How much time is saved by using Ctrl-Z, Y, A, X, C, V, and P? Not to mention the fact this these enable you to do these actions where there is no copy/paste menu or right-click option.

Daniel - I love the keyboard shortcut idea! With my background in teaching keyboard/computer apps, this is a favorite activity. I'm a PC user and go crazy when using a Mac mouse with no right click option. I'm still looking for a new handout to use with the shortcut keys listed (both Mac and PC) Mine are a little outdated.



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