implementing ICT in your classrooms - how's it going in my school...

Ria's Teacher Talk has a discussion on the state of ICT in schools.  Although Ria is in Africa it is still interesting to see that there is not that much different in implementing technology and getting teachers online to implement technology in their classrooms.

I work in Surrey BC, and I have a few of the "old timers" who are afraid of technology or using it.  I don't think it's the technology that they are so afraid of as much as "what do I do when it fails?"  I have worked with a number of teachers on different projects in their classrooms, some that work great and others that don't.  When I'm there I can react fast (I'm a computer facilitator at my school - what that means is that I help fix computers in the school part time as well as teach Computer Science to students), fix any problems that go wrong, and basically trouble shoot.  I don't do much trouble shooting - normally things work.  If they don't then you have a backup plan.  It's a matter of Murphy's law, plan for the unexpected.

"Many rural learners only ever see a computer at school and the first step is not sophisticated software but making sure learners can achieve the most basic of skills which means that they spend months and months just learning how to use a mouse and then how to save, how to download and just how to switch the computer on and off! Many schools do not have computer labs, and if they do the computer lab is accessible for a short space within the school timetable, once a week maybe. So before ICT software programmes can be implemented in the school, every learner has to become computer literate."

Although we have 4 labs at our school and three COWS (computers on Wheels - 15 in a container), they are old, they are well used, and they do break.  Teachers need to know how to handle the technology, the simple basics of what to do if this happens, what to do when the computer doesn't or can't save....   Learning these things  is not requirements of using the lab, and some teachers are so overwProxy-Connection: keep-alive Cache-Control: max-age=0

ked, they feel almost afraid to try something new and add stress to their already stressful life.

It's amazing that every teacher I know remembers the first time a student said "I get it" or you saw that you had an effect on the student's learning.  Yet when it comes to computers and using them, many teachers seem to remember that ONE bad experience...  which overcomes all the other successes.  I once heard a teacher say "I hate computers" to the students and a few minutes later I heard a number of students repeat the same thing.  Talk about modeling the wrong attitude!!!

Of all the things you need to teach teachers about computers is that stuff happens with computers - especially when you go out on the Internet - that's a huge area of room you're roaming around in.    Remember, stuff will happen.  If it does, don't give up, don't get negative, ask questions, ask for help, try another approach.  It's better to bring the outside world (the Internet) into your classroom, then lock the door, be alone and do without.

There are a lot of teachers out there who do know different things about computers and would be more then happy to show you how to do something.  After a while, it will get easier.  Take my word for it.

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