Learning is Personal: Android Tablet use int he 5t Grade encourages student agency

Your Name and Title:  Marie Bjerede

School, Library, or Organization Name: e-Mergents

Co-Presenter Name(s): (possible) Tzaddi Bondi

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Portland, Oregon

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Educators, researchers, administrators

Short Session Description (one line): Discussion of a 5th grade Android Tablet implementation that shifted teaching and learning to a more authentic, co-learning experience

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

 It's not about the technology…except when it is. In an Oregon 5th grade classroom, the availability of a personal, mobile device for each student removed obstacles to independent learning. Using this technology, the classroom teacher was able to make bigger shifts in practice towards a "guide on the side" model of teaching and learning than would otherwise have been possible. As a result, the students shifted towards a greater sense of agency, deeper learning, and more sophisticated achievement. This presentation will talk about  the practices and policies that drove these student outcomes, as well as other interesting results from the project.

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