So, this year our department has partnered with industry to sponsor our annual "Smart Classroom Awards" for teachers who are leading the field in the integration of ICTs to enhance student learning.

This year I was lucky enough to be one of the 12 winners and as such also got to experience the first ever Learning Innovation Expo. It was an awesome day with lots of fantastic talks from speakers such as Michael Fardyk and Steven Heppal (I know I've spelt that wrong...). Michael was in the room with us and was just fantastic and Steven hooked in through a video conference from England.

Was very interesting seeing some of the vision for the state's department in regards to elearning and some of the possibilities when it comes to "what next?". I've come away with some serious gadet lust - I want an iphone or failing that an ipod touch, and I now want to try a mac to really experience the difference to a pc many new things in my head!

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Love the sound of excitement in your voice. I have just got an iphone and love it. Haven't tried too much with my students as yet though. What I do love about it is how I can sync my gmail, outlook and calendars to my iphone via mobileme. It's awesome.
If you have any ideas or directions for ideas for where you want to head with your students I would love to hear them.



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