Looking for a good online career test/sorter for older students....

Can anyone recommend an online career aptitude test that would be appropriate for upper high school grades?  I have looked through dozens, but almost all of them are tied to a for-profit school or service.  I am not having much luck finding anything of any quality without having to create an account of get enrolled in some service.  Please help.  I need something that will give students in 12th grade a good idea of the types of careers that would fit their skills and personality.

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Hi Anthony, Have them try the MAPP career assessment, at http://Student.Assessment.com/. There are great resources for both you and your students. The MAPP test, available online since 1995, is the first and most comprehensive career test online - there are literally more potential test results than there are people in the world. Your students will gain insights into their true strengths and motivations. With a small upgrade (and we offer a 25% discount for our Facebook friends: www.facebook.com/MAPPyourCareer), your students will have every one of the 900 O*NET jobs matched in order according to their test results! Pretty powerful stuff. . . anyway, let me know if you have any questions.



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