Hi everyone,
I've been thinking about why I join social networks or online communities, especially one like Classroom 2.0. They provide me with a safe, authorized place to ask questions of people who have the same sorts of interests, concerns, passions as me. And, most of them are much more expert than me in many ways and can help point me to answers or great resources. It's a big community, and still growing, but I still can find lots of resources and several of the webinar/group chat events have been really informative.
So -- Why did you join?
- Because someone else in your school/school district did?
- Because you were searching for something and stumbled upon it?
- Because you heard about it via email or in a Professional Development conference/meeting/session?
- Because you needed to post a question and joining was the only way to do it..?
- Because you want to feel the same connectedness to other teachers as you did when you were still taking pre-service classes and you have lost those contacts over time?
- Because you wanted something different than all those standard professional development seminars for continuing ed credits...?
- Because you think that Steve Hargadon is just the coolest to have started and maintained it?
Thanks and Happy May!