Joni Clark-Leiker


United States

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
Colby High School
About Me
Career Guidance Counselor

Comment Wall:

  • Joni Clark-Leiker

    I am a career guidance counselor always looking for new and creative ideas and ways to engage students in the world of work. I work with the 16 Career Clusters and the Kansas 6 Career Fields. I would welcome any ideas others have on delivering career education to the students of the 21st Century.
  • kherron

    Hey! Thanks for entering my Classroom 2.0 world. I really think it is a great opportunity to share and discuss with educators all over and help in getting ideas as well as support we need! I am really looking forward to trip, please let me know if there is anything I need to do to help prepare for it.
  • kherron

    Joni: Wondering if it is possible to access and use classroom 2.0 from the server at the High school. Am sitting with Kevin Honeycutt at the moment and what he is planning needs to be able to do that and he didnt want to create it all and then have the server block the access. I wasnt sure if you were accessing this from home or the school.