No, my dad taught at Punahou School, so that is where I went. Kindergarten through 10th grade. Then my family moved to Kansas to take care of ailing parents.
Greg, thank you so much for the wonderful compliments. The funny thing is, there is a heart of gold at the back of my book for children to look into. Thank you for being so aware :- )
Have a wonderful rest of the day!
Greg, GOOD FOR YOU!! I am so happy for you!
Thank you so much for sharing with me! I wish you well with your project! Are you going POD or a regular publisher?
Be Well,
It's been busy, the end of the year always is. I want to wish you luck in South Africa. Learning how to encourage the kids to learn and appreciate what we're trying to do for them is a huge hurdle. I hope you can leave something for them, too.
My thought is not so much that learning has left the building as learning should never have gotten into the building in the first place. Our entire lives are about learning and experience. If we try to learn only in certain environments, we are limiting what we can learn as individuals and as a society.
Keep up the good work!
Greg, you found the words and strung them together for us. Well said. I read this aloud to the M.Ed.s in class with me on my first reading. 'Learning Has Left the Building' is exactly where our discussions have been as we begin our class this semester. My students thank you. Lots of light bulbs going off in here. :-)
Tim Holt
May 31, 2007
Of course I would send you an invitation! I too believe that we are all students and I hope to learn from you.
What part of Hawaii did you grow up?
May 31, 2007
It's always gratifying to find someone with the right attitude about hair. Of course, being a deadhead helps...
Nice to meet you!
May 31, 2007
May 31, 2007
Cerese Godfrey
I think this is a terrific statement!!! I would love to use it if you don’t mind!!!
Jun 1, 2007
Jun 2, 2007
Have a wonderful rest of the day!
Jun 4, 2007
Thank you so much for sharing with me! I wish you well with your project! Are you going POD or a regular publisher?
Be Well,
Jun 4, 2007
My thought is not so much that learning has left the building as learning should never have gotten into the building in the first place. Our entire lives are about learning and experience. If we try to learn only in certain environments, we are limiting what we can learn as individuals and as a society.
Keep up the good work!
Jun 21, 2007
Lynne Wolters
Sep 17, 2007