Hello! I am a 3rd grade teacher from Illinois and I'm trying to connect with other teachers and academic technology folks, particularly on the subject of teaching writing.
Thanks for your comment. I invite you to visit my blog. There is a link to it on my page, it is http://amykenyon.edublogs.org. As a language arts coordinator, I would love to know if there are certain writing programs that you all use? Thanks!
Good for you! I wish that my kids were ready to blog (or that I was ready) but I'll get there eventually. Keep me posted and send me the URL for the blog when they get it up and running.
Thank you for the link to the blog. That paper blog idea is really neat. Thank you for keeping in touch. My fall has been much more stressful than I had hoped, and therefore there has been a lot less time for me to work on Web 2.0 stuff. Thankfully, I have some good support at school and people like you who will encourage me to persist!
Kevin H.
Welcome to Classroom 2.0.
Jul 3, 2007
Amy Koegel
Jul 3, 2007
Amy Koegel
Thanks for your comment. I invite you to visit my blog. There is a link to it on my page, it is http://amykenyon.edublogs.org. As a language arts coordinator, I would love to know if there are certain writing programs that you all use? Thanks!
Jul 5, 2007
Amy Koegel
Sep 2, 2007
Amy Koegel
Good for you! I wish that my kids were ready to blog (or that I was ready) but I'll get there eventually. Keep me posted and send me the URL for the blog when they get it up and running.
Oct 3, 2007
Amy Koegel
Nov 4, 2007
Christiane C Brossi
Nov 5, 2007