I'm an independent teacher, trainer, coach and consultant who is crazy about the revolution in Education that's resulting from the introduction of Web 2.0 tools into formal and information learning!
So far in your participation here in Ning networks, Mark, what's been your best experience? Looks like you've been here awhile...I'm just learning my way around and would love to have your input.
Meri, I've been experimenting with voicethread.com, which like yackpack helps you create asynchronous audio blogs illustrated with a series of images. They have several ways to link with automatically generated code.
This page provides a good graphic overview of the service. (Free to teachers.)
Meri, I haven't embedded a voice thread on a blog (ning or any other). However they do provide the code for working with other web2.0 tools.
I'm intrigued. I'm also finishing up 4 different online classes I've been teaching so this week is hectic to say the least. When I can come up for air, I'll be playing with both yackpack and voicethread... asychronous audio/post supporting blogs... cool!
Thanks for being my friend on Classroom 2.0.
My background was done via the choices on the profile. I am trying to figure out a way to make my own.. but things are busy. I am getting ready for the MassCUE annual state conference presentation and grades are ending this week so things are busy.
will get back to you on the podcasting topic. Yes, I
will be in touch!! Peg : )
Meri Walker
Jul 2, 2007
Hans Feldmeier
Jul 9, 2007
Dennis O'Connor
I've loved sharing resources for a long time. (I first went online back in the 80's with a Bulletin Board based literary system for young writers.)
One way I've found to share all the web goodies I'm constantly tagging is with delicious. My network name is wiredinstructor.
Aug 1, 2007
Dennis O'Connor
This page provides a good graphic overview of the service. (Free to teachers.)
Aug 5, 2007
Dennis O'Connor
I'm intrigued. I'm also finishing up 4 different online classes I've been teaching so this week is hectic to say the least. When I can come up for air, I'll be playing with both yackpack and voicethread... asychronous audio/post supporting blogs... cool!
Aug 7, 2007
Peg V
Thanks for being my friend on Classroom 2.0.
My background was done via the choices on the profile. I am trying to figure out a way to make my own.. but things are busy. I am getting ready for the MassCUE annual state conference presentation and grades are ending this week so things are busy.
will get back to you on the podcasting topic. Yes, I
will be in touch!! Peg : )
Oct 31, 2007