Eric Brunsell

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
University of Wisconsin La Crosse
Twitter / Plurk / Other Account
About Me
Asst. Professor of Science Education

Comment Wall:

  • Jay Fogleman

    Hi Eric,

    My methods students are now in their student teaching, and we'll continue to use our wiki throughout the semester. I have a similar goal to yours, i.e. fostering a community of pre-service teachers that I hope will continue to participate in our wiki as they enter teaching. I would definitely be interested in collaboration opportunities.
  • Rick Biche

    Hi Eric,
    Thanks for the invitation. I signed in on the teaching science ning. I am looking forward to joining the discussion.
  • Jay Fogleman

    Hi Eric,

    This year's wiki is at . When you get there, request membership and I'll let you in.

  • Thomas Petra

    Ah La Crosse! I went to school at UWEC and so I took a few road trips to La Crosse back in the day.

    I've been living in Guam for the past 17 years. I get back to the Twin Cities, where I'm from, usually during the summers. The last time I taught on the mainland was in 1990 in Milwaukee. I've only joined the IT world for the past year or so. I'm wondering what it's like back in the States? How pervasive is it in the schools? As far as Guam goes, it's a very small group of IT educators here.