Karen Reiber

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
Nagel Middle School
Favored IM Account
About Me
I am a Media Center Facilitator in a Middle School of 1200+. I love 7th & 8th graders, research and books! My hobby is scrapbooking! I am energetic, creative and innovative.

Comment Wall:

  • Karen Reiber

    Looking for help using 2.0 in my media center!
  • Andrew Pass

    Hi Karen,

    I just wanted to drop by and say hello, after reading your question about where to begin using Web 2.0 in your media center. My question would be, what are your objectives? (I hope this thought is not off handed, but perhaps you could design a social network site for teachers in your school to discuss where they find the most useful information for their curriculum. Modeling social network sites in this way might encourage teachers to use social network sites in their own classes.)

    I've just recently started a new social network site designed for discussing teaching and learning content and how Web 2.0 might be incorporated into specific lessons. I'd be grateful if you would take a look at it. The address is http://www.teachingcontent.ning.com. Maybe you'd even be willing to add to the conversation.
