Age 51. Mid-life career changer (in-progress). Started this past fall as Masters student in Instructional Design and Development at UGA (College of Education).
I've spent two and a half decades as practicing software engineer, most recently working with the web as most everyone else in I.T. is doing these days.
I have a wife, and 3 sons, 15, 7, and 4. The oldest just entered high school, and is totally gadget driven (iPod, iPhone, laptop, Wii, Playstation 3, and on, and on....).
I'd love to network both with teachers, ed tech specialists, and instructional technology or instructional design graduate students around the country or abroad. I hope to be practicing in the field within 2 years or so.
Hi Fred, I wanted to email you, but could not find your email here anywhere. I guess throught this comment feature you get an email? I'm still getting used to this environment.
I have some ideas for your work. One thought is they have media centered content and interface focused on issues.
David Levesque
I have some ideas for your work. One thought is they have media centered content and interface focused on issues.
Look forward to talking with you.
Feb 4, 2008
Neli Maria Mengalli
Warm Regards from Brazil,
Feb 24, 2008
Michael McClure
Education is a life long endeavor. Congrats on the career change.
May 4, 2008