Anne Mirtschin

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
Hawkesdale p12 College
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Skype Account
Twitter / Plurk / Other Account
About Me
Hi, I am an IT/commerce teacher. In 2007 I teach IT to grades 3 through to year 12. I love web 2.0 and am trying to used it as much as possible with my classes but am on a steep learning curve. My other interests include podcasting, multimedia and the creation of digital movies.

Comment Wall:

  • Jess McCulloch

    Hey Mirch! Found you!
  • SusanTsairi

    Hi Anne, nice to meet you.
  • Garry McNeilly

    Anne, I think you left a comment on my page was accidentally deleted b4 i could read it. Sorry. I found u remembering ur first name and pic. Can I help u with anything?
  • Alison Saylor

    Hi Anne, I'm happy to meet you and find that you are also a bit of a beginner to Web 2.0. I came across it last Jan/Feb while preparing a presentation on Podcasting for librarians. I love it and am working my way through a Blackboard professional development class for our distruct this summer. I get so sidetracked while writing as I continue to find more interesting things. I'd be happy to share what works and what kids like as I start to use it with my students this fall. Lets keep in touch. Alison
  • Alison Saylor

    I'll put my class on a Wiki today or tomorrow, I'm through 6 of 8 lessons so far for you to see and add comments if you have any. I like the apps you are using and have used a few others with my college students. I'll let you know when I have them up. Alison
  • SusanTsairi

    Hi Anne, thanks for commenting on my I teach your students - you teach mine -idea. It really is just an idea at the moment, for my students the biggest problem would be dealing with English. However maybe you and JoNelle - who also answered might be able to work out something together :-)
  • Alison Saylor

    Hi Jacinta, I am looking for middle school students (classroom) to collaborate on a joint "20 question" project, each class sending messages on a wiki to each other- sharing something about where they live, how they live, their lives and friends, photos, video and cumulate by having the other class make a guess as to where the class is from. Any contacts or ideas for me? Thanks! Alison Denver Colorado US
  • Alison Saylor

    Hi Anne, I'm ready, why don't you email me your first question - yes/no about where we are, I'm thinking northern or southern hemisphere type then narrowing down. I'm going to use Google Earth to help us plot the answers you give us. Send me your email and I'll send our first question. Thanks for participating with me. I think it could be fun! Alison
  • SHANG Xian-fu

  • Kevin H.

    Hi Anne
    I teach sixth grade, too (in Massachusetts, USA) and last year, I started up a Youth Radio podcasting site for upper elementary school students to share podcasting. We are about to get things going again this year. Might you be interested in including your sixth graders? (I refer to your post on the podcasting forum)
    Here is the Youth Radio site:

    Take care
  • Anne Mirtschin

    Hi Kevin
    We would love to work with you on this. I am really proud of the work that the students did in their first time round podcasts and they would really enjoy working with students from other countries on a youth radio program.
    thanks for contacting me and I guess you will be in touch with futher details on how we can get involved.
  • Britt Gow

    Hi Anne,
    Who was the teacher from US interested in a collaborative project, perhaps with a science or environmental focus? It might be something I can follow up with the Year 9's next year?
    regards, Britt.
  • Anne Mirtschin

    Hi again Britt Make sure you join the distance collaborations group on classroom 20. I am sure you will find other schools and projects there for you to get involved in. I know I saw some there with a science and environmental bent. My contact was a possible future nibble.
  • Hans Feldmeier

    Hi Anne, nice to meet you online and welcome to group DigiSkills as well:)
  • pete whitfield

    Hey Anne - great blog posts! I hope you got your embedded mp3 sorted!
  • James Edward Charles Webber

    Merry Christmas
    Sung Tan Chuk Ha

  • kolson

    Thanks for contacting me! I used to be an accountant before getting my business ed certification. I'm hoping to work my way up the ladder in my district so I can finally teach it in the high school someday, but for now I'm trying to get in at the technical college part-time while teaching keyboarding part-time. I would love to see what you do in Australia - I'll check your resources out as soon as I have a minute :-)
  • Laura Gibbs

    Hi Anne, I read about the Skype adventures you had with your students - that is so fabulous! I love the idea that you and your students in Australia can be skyping with students in Korea and I can sit here in North Carolina and read about it in a blog. Somehow something good has to come from all this connectivity, I really believe that! Yeah!!!! :-)
  • Vincent Mespoulet

    Hi Anne, but this video was easy to do, and just for fun... You can easily get involved in our projects, even if your students don't speak french. I put an automatic translator on the pages of my network and we have chinese people in our site with a vey kind girl named Judy Wu, speaking both french and english.
    get a look for example in the new group i created yesterday fo e.twinning betwen student of Sue (The Maze) and me abaut franco-american relationship...

    In a firs step you can sign in, try to see if our site is ok for you, then suggest to your students to do the same. When a teacher in involved in a project with students, he has a co-administrator status 'cause my democratic network belongs to anyone using it ;-)

    School beyond the Walls
  • Helen Otway

    Hi Anne,
    I think I may have seen you today on EdTalk. I didn't make the connection before.
  • Helen Otway

    Hi Anne,
    Cool videos. You have inspired me to upload some of my viedos kicking around on my laptop and various other places.
  • Laura Gibbs

    SO INSPIRING - thanks for letting me know about the womenwhotech site - it looks fabulous! :-)
  • Kathleen

    Hi Anne,
    It looks like I will be entering a realm that I am not used to next year. I have been working with 8-11 year olds for the past 6 years and next year I will be working with 5-11 year olds. I see that you know about working with the little ones. Do you have anythng developed that migh assist me in age appropriate technology activities?
  • Michelle

    Hi Anne,
    Your skype experience is what I've been dying to set up. Can you tell me how you were able to find a school to connect with? I'm desperately trying to do this with a school in France but I don't know how to go about finding one. Any help would be appreciated!
  • Michelle

    Hi Anne
    Thanks so much for the info...I'm going to look into the distance ning. As for the Italy exchange, it really needs to be French because I'm a French teacher. I'm going to do some more research though taking full advantage of the links on your's a great resource!
  • Elizabeth Wargo

    Yes I'm in Shanghai. The actually my husband presented at the Learning 2.0 conference last year and two of my good friends and colleges organized it. It's outstanding you should really think about coming out for it.

    Btw- thanks for the welcome message.
  • Henry Thiele

    Thanks - yes I am familiar with a few 2.0 technologies. I figured I should make my way over to the Ning Group I have read so much about
  • ECW

    Hello Anne,
    thanks for the encouragement...and ideas...but remember, if the internet goes kerflooie, i warned you!!!
  • Anne Mirtschin

    Hmm... James you are not having a very good time. Have you worked it all out yet. I hope you can enjoy life a bit better soon. Sorry to hear of all this.
  • Vincent Mespoulet

    Hi Anne,

    i have sent you a friendship request for Brian's Video Project :)
  • Steve Hargadon

    Boy, you have been amazing in welcoming people! Good work, and thanks!
  • Vincent Mespoulet

    Hi Anne !

    What's new about Brian's video project ? We have created in School Beyond the Walls a group "Quiet days in my school" for your project, with geographic riddles to localize each school involved... Check out please

    Hev a good day !
  • Or-Tal Kiriati

    Hey Anne from Australia! Let's keep in touch here!
    Oh... I'd love to visit Australia one day... :-)
  • Remona Estep

    Dear Anne,

    I am working on an ethnography for a graduate class and am having trouble coming up with answers to questions abouit rules and mores on CR20 as well as how decisions are made. Any light that you could shine on these topics would be greatly appreciated by me.