Cathy Rodriguez

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Steve Hargadon

    Hey! Are you following this conversation?

    We should definitely talk.

  • Steve Hargadon

    How's it going? Making any progress on your projects? :)

    Take care,

  • Cathy Rodriguez

    i am very busy at the moment other wise I would call...i am learning a lot...but feeling like I can't keep up with it all. Lately it is what is happening on SL that has captured my attention..
    I am still interested in doing web 2.0 classes...but not ready to do it myself....
    hope we can catch up soon!!!

  • Karen Fasimpaur

    Hey, Cathy. I know what you mean about having too much going on. Did you see Steve's recent post about doing "non-Google" Web 2.0 academies? What do you think about doing something like that at LACOE? I think there would be a lot of demand for it.
  • Karen Fasimpaur

    I think the idea was that Google tools would be covered (they're among my favorites; I'd hate to see them excluded) was more an alternative to the Google-sponsored academies that are being done.
  • Karen Fasimpaur

    Also, you wouldn't necessarily have to put it together. We could do it as a collaboration.... very Web 2.0-like :)... I do know that it still takes a lot on your end just to schedule, etc. Maybe in the fall...
  • John Gulick

    Hey Cathy, don't forget to get the CUELA presenters info. Sorry, I had nothing else to say right now.