

Kapaau, HI

United States

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
Hawaii Department of Education Kohala Middle School

Comment Wall:

  • Gavin McLean

    Hi Amber, I've just joined Classroom 2.0.
    I am an ICT facilitator at Onslow College in Wellington, New Zealand.
    I'm interested in young people creating their own media, especially video and music.
    Bye, Gavin
  • Gavin McLean

    Hi again Amber,
    This is fun! Are you in Hawaii? How cool is that?
    I just edited my Classroom 2.0 Page, its probably quite 'busy' looking at the moment!
    I added some music to my page that I made in Sony ACID, I would love to get your feedback. The track is called 'Ho Down', when I made it I tried to imagine what Prince would sound like if he went country!

    I also have a page at, so it would be nice to have someone actually listen to it! I put some of my film music there.

    Here are some links if you have time:
    my acidplanet songs:

    Here's my YouTube channel:

    Bye for now,