Sachiko Kamioka


Eugene OR

United States

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
Center for Applied Second Language Studies, University of Oregon
About Me
I'm coordinating a project called MyChina. Our goal is to build an environment in Teen Second Life where students improve their language and cultural proficiency by interacting naturally with Chinese speakers.

Our center has developed online language assessment for 14 languages.

I'm a learner of Korean.

Comment Wall:

  • adel

    Hi, i am adel
    i will be so glad if we can be friends
    am looking for friends from all over the world
    i hope we can share many things
    see u
  • Yaodong

    It was the 50th anninversary of the founding of our school yesterday and so we had a meeting celebrating the day.
    thousands of people including people from foreign countries came for the gathering.

    Liuzhou Teacher's college will also has her 50th birthday this month.We might go there,too.

    Out of my 500 graduates from this university, about 20 of them returned and we had a great talk. SOme told us
    their work experience in Vietnam,India and Ghana in Africa. The boy said he won't go to Ghana again since it is TOO hot there.

    It is good to know that candy and I were in the news again. San Diego district website published our online work .ONe thing leads to another,I think. I tried logging to the ePAL weblog but i didn't find the post from that teacher mentioned.I would love to respond,too.

    hope to meet you online soon.
  • Mark Cruthers

    Hi Sachio,

    With you interest is getting students to interact with native Chinese speakers, you might want to try using Wiziq's virtual classroom. It's an excellent place for Language Learners to practice with each other online.
  • Lori Roe

    This is amazing! We have a Chinese Language program in our schools in Delaware. It is for younger students ages 6 - 11. Is there an environment for this exchange appropriate for this age. If not, I suppose this could be teacher moderated. I'm interested in knowing more!
  • Mark Cruthers

    Hi Sachiko,

    I don't think Wiziq allows you to search for students, but I havn't tried. Its a good idea, I think.