

New Boston, NH

United States

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
Weare Middle School - Weare NH
Skype Account
Twitter / Plurk / Other Account
About Me
A few years ago I made the move to teaching from a 20+ year career as a software engineer. Every day I work with my students and other teachers experimenting with incorporating new technologies into the classroom from digital story telling and podcasting to creating digital portfolios. I've been following a number of podcasts for the past few years and found Seedlings in April or May. Glad to be part of the community.

Comment Wall:

  • Anne Mirtschin

    Hi Dave and welcome! I love the title of your blog as that is exactly what I am trying to do- make my classroom a 21st century one.
  • Anne Mirtschin

    Hello Dave that would be great to etwin with you. I am in Melb at the moment with yr 11s so if we make contact soon again, it would be great to work with you.
  • Lorna Costantini

    Hi Dave I found your work in a response to Matt Devine's post.
    Hope you don't mind I replied to your voice thread. Can you join me at ourschool.ca and share your expertise. I am working on a k12 online conference preso for October and I would appreciate it, if I could demonstrate some of your work.