

Brownsburg, IN

United States

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
Brownsburg Community School Corporation
About Me
Director of Curriculum and Professional Development
2003 Milken Educator

Comment Wall:

  • Govinda Prasad Panthy

    Hi Indy, I'm a school teacher from Nepal, can u plz add me in msn?
  • Hans Feldmeier

    Hello Indy, my welcome from Germany!
    I focus on Web 2.0 apps in the classroom - feel free to check some of my sites - additionally I´ve created one of the biggest groups in CR 2.0 called DigiSkills with now 460 members. It is about digital teaching methods like blogging...
    Would love if you decide to join too.
  • Mark Cruthers

    Hi Indy,

    With your interest in Curriculum (I'm assuming this inclueds online) I recomend you take a look at Wiziq's virtual classroom and authorstream's web based power point presentation platform. Both have a bunch of features and a free basic service I think you'll find useful.
  • Govinda Prasad Panthy

    hi Indy, mail me at Hope you'll be my great help and advisor as u r in such a high level in education department. I run a school in a poor area of Nepal. I'm struggling hard for bring children to school and providing them opportunity to read and write. Hope you'll respond me.
  • Govinda Prasad Panthy

    I've been teaching more than 15 years and started a school in 11 years ago in a rural are where education was a must. Rarely parents used to send their children to schools. Now i've problem with school supplies. Looking help for it.
  • Govinda Prasad Panthy

    Merry Christmas and Happy New year 2009!
  • James Edward Charles Webber any good?

    re : your moving away from textbooks post
  • James Edward Charles Webber

    wass recommended it a few months back-not used !
  • Terry Smith

    You asked about Taiwan and Kenya connections. Have a look at my classroom web site for details on projects I've been doing with Taiwan for the past five years - -- As for Kenya, I'm working with a school to set up a web presence and at the same time connect their students with my students. It is very slow going due to their lack of technology, but I hope to see more happen as time goes on.