Brad Pascoe

Comment Wall:

  • Kathy Hayden

    Hi Brad!
    What is your favorite Web 2.0 tool for teachers?

  • Brad Pascoe

    Currently, it looks like it is this one ;-)
  • Brad Pascoe

    by far.
  • Jorge

    Thanks! There is so much to learn with new media, but also so much language arts/reading research to pick up.

    I want it ALL!
  • Colin Hanel

    I joined the PL page only.
  • Nancy Yturralde

    Thanks. It appears this group includes teachers from all over not just Escondido. What areas does it include and is it just teachers in tech fields like Project Live?
  • Brad Pascoe

    When we first looked at starting this group, we were looking for a way for all PL teachers to be able to exchange ideas. There is PL Escondido, PL San Diego, and PL Encinitas. We also want to be able to communicate with similar programs with the same goals. Picture This is one such program. There is also an iVIE group, where we hope to get lots of educators interested in exchanging ideas. Hmmm - tried to embed a link to those groups, but I don't see how...
  • Brad Pascoe

    Also, there are tons of other groups you can join - all populated by teachers wanting to learn and share.
  • Rob Shepherd

  • Kathy Shirley

    Way to go, Brad -- good call on being proactive and inviting past and present PL teachers... :-)

    I will work with Mike Guerena from Encinitas to get his teachers involved....
  • Brad Pascoe

    Frank and I were talking this am. Since this is an invitation only group (which we think is a good experiment), Mike and Mary will need admin to be able to approve people. I invited Mary, but did not give her more detail. We have had a least one applicant that we don'r know - Ryan Latham. The question becomes, if we want to focus this on PL, which we are currently doing, do we let others in? The larger group might be iVIE - is that where we would interact with Picture This?
  • Nancy Yturralde

    Have had difficulty participating in Classroom 2.0 because the times when the presentations are made are not when I am available. Also it's kind of confusing to me how to participate. The one time i tried it, the class that I thought was going on had already happened so it wasn't live.