Things are going well. It's nice to see that Eric and I are not the only ones doing our class work at school. This is the only class that I am taking because it was the only one offered that I needed. I'm pretty limited in what I feel I can do with my class because of their typing ability and age. I have found that a lot of my students have facebook pages thought. The biggest thing that I use in my class are clickers by e Instruction. They are hand held instant respose computers. A set of 25 cost about $300 and no bigger then a cell phone. They are awesome. It has been great from me to check understanding and get that instant feedback. I am pretty sure they do demo's so if you don't already have these you should take a look. Our district bought a set for all math teacher but I have gotten all the Social Studies and Science teacher using them in my building.
I thought that also. Maybe it's just because we are getting farther into our program. Eric and I are taking Blazek's next I think it's 5040. Have you taken that? I heard it's pretty easy.
Brad Niessen
Jan 27, 2009
Michael Estes
Jan 29, 2009
Michael Estes
Jan 30, 2009