Terry Eis

Wichita, KS

United States

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
Haysville, USD 261
About Me
My new venture in education: Program Director of Learning by Design, a new charter school within the Haysville School District.

My favorite "inspirational character": Rosie the Riveter, who boldly proclaims, "We Can Do It"!

With the determination and clarity of purpose, dedicated individuals can make education meaningful and worthwhile for students.

Comment Wall:

  • nicole taylor

    hi terry! my name is nicole taylor and i am the new art teacher at haysville middle school. anyhow, i was at new teacher orientation the other day and for some reason remembered your name from somewhere but couldn't remember where. then it occured to me that kevin honeycutt once refered to you in an inservice as being an avid user of classroom 2.0 and artsnacks (or something like that.) so i got on my 2.0 page and here you are.
    i just wanted to say hi and introduce myself! hopefully i can get some of my students here at haysville using artsnacks! (it was a great enrichment program for my students i formerly taught at western plains.)
    it looks like your are doing a lot of great things here at haysville. i'm sure i will run into you sometime!
  • Jack

    Hi Terry. I was wondering if you have students or educator friends who would be interested in participating in a nationwide SAT Vocab Video Contest @ MIT university. You can view contest details at BrainyFlix.com Please let me know. Thanks!