I'll come to visit. I am looking for specific stuff on Egypt right now so I breezed through this site. Have you taken a look at webquest.org? That is the kind of thing I really want to do. I want to have a little more spiffy looking site than what warriorlife provides. Not that I hate warriorlife, but it is just not visually appealing and easy to work with. Let's keep talking and working. Chuck
Hope you're enjoying the winter break. I was wondering if you, your educator contacts or students would be interested in participating in a Vocab Video Contest @ MIT university. We'd really like to get more students involved from California.
You can view contest details at BrainyFlix.com Please let me know. Thanks!
With your work in Education Technology, I recommend you take a look at Wiziq's virtual classroom and authorstream's power point presentation platform. Both are web based platforms, have a bunch of features and free basic service.
Chuck Heath
Nov 18, 2008
Hope you're enjoying the winter break. I was wondering if you, your educator contacts or students would be interested in participating in a Vocab Video Contest @ MIT university. We'd really like to get more students involved from California.
You can view contest details at BrainyFlix.com Please let me know. Thanks!
Dec 28, 2008
Jan 5, 2009
Mark Cruthers
With your work in Education Technology, I recommend you take a look at Wiziq's virtual classroom and authorstream's power point presentation platform. Both are web based platforms, have a bunch of features and free basic service.
Jan 24, 2009