Ricky Yean



United States

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
Stanford University
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Comment Wall:

  • suehellman

    Sure, Ricky -- you can get to my webpage, my blog, and my email address by going to my page in Classroom 2.0. If you send me a list of questions ahead of time, I'll take sometime to think them through before we talk at more length. How much of a hurry are you in?
  • Daniel Bassill

    Ricky, I encourage you and your fellow students to visit the Tutor/Mentor Institute and read some of the articles. These focus on getting adults beyond educators and parents involved with kids living in high poverty areas. If your team adopted some of these ideas and marketed them to fellow students and alumni, this could lead to many more people involved in supporting the growth and operations of these types of programs in big cities throughout the USA.
  • Nancy Cavillones

    Hi, Ricky,
    I am no longer in the classroom but I am happy to talk with you about how I used technology in my teaching. Feel free to IM me at bohechick (AIM) or nancy.brodsky@gmail.com (gchat), or just e-mail me!
  • Tom Liam Lynch

    Hi Ricky,
    Happy to talk/chat/IM. Let me know what you are thinking. T