Chris Hebbard

46, Male



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About Me
Currently teaching VELS level 4 (5th and 6th grade) and looking for new project ideas and to network with like minded teachers.

Comment Wall:

  • Chris Hebbard

    This is my first attempt and blogging and I am fumbling along. I would appreciate help from anyone.
  • Helen Otway

    Hi Chris,
    Lovely to see a fellow Aussie here. I hope you find this network just as beneficial as I have.

  • Helen Otway

    Hi Chris,

    If you go to the top of your page you will notice a 'blog' tab just above your surname that you can click on to and create a blog post.
    Let me know if you need help.
  • Jess McCulloch

    Hi Chris!
    Great to see you here. Have you figured out a few things yet? I added you as a friend, so you should have received that request. I'm not sure why you don't have friends, music video options etc on your page. To check out your settings and see what is available to you - click on 'My Settings' in the top right hand corner. Hope that helps a bit! Just send through any more questions you have - or find me on skype - jess.meyer.
  • Steve Hargadon


    I'm wondering if you're still having a problem. This is the first time these particular issues have been brought up with me. Have you tried clearing your cache? Or using another browser? Let me know!
  • Helen Otway

    Hi Chris, I can see you have been playing with some cool apps. Fun isn't it!
  • Helen Otway

    Hi Chris,
    Try Global Teacher or Edublogs for blogging. I would suggest trying out blogging yourself before you start with kids just so you can get the feel of things. There is a link to Global Teacher on the DEECD website.
    You can also contact me on
  • Chris Hebbard

    Thankyou. Yeah, I am just going to play for a while and suss it all out. I am really excited about it at the moment and am spending every spare minute online searching for resources! I know we have to be prepared for Ultranet so I am trying to help others around the school come to grips with Web 2.0 stuff.
  • gret

    Hi Chris
    Thanks for telling us all about this.
    I think that I will need some coaching with Blog making
    but here goes!
  • Anne Mirtschin

    Hi Chris This is so good to see you here. Did the problem with your blogging and adding friends fix itself as I know that Scott was having problems too. If it persists leave a comment on Steve Hargadon's page. However, if you have started blogging you are well on your way to using web2.0 Take little steps all the time as it can get really overwhelming. Did you also start delicious as that is also a great start?
  • Anne Mirtschin

    what!!!! How crazy is that? We are blocked out of our class blog for grade 4 and 5 would you believe so I have to get the techies to unblock that!! Grrr!! Another good online tool is for mindmapping and brainstorming. Simple to use
  • Sharon Harper

    Wow, you are doing great stuff! A group of us are just setting up an open moodle to make available outside our schools, maybe for other teachers, homeschoolers etc. Quite cool fun.
  • Sharon Harper

    It's a Learning Management system (I guess mostly used by secondary) - skype chat me if you like - shazzandrob
  • Katherine Burdick

    Try It is a great classroom tool.
  • Anne Mirtschin

    Hi Chris, the easiest way I find to share ppt files, if I had created them, is to save them back to 2003-7 format (making sure that the file is not too big and therefore any images resized), and then upload them to Once uploaded you can grab the code, goto the html tab of your post and paste the code in there. You can also actually have a go at uploading them directly through one of the multimedie upload buttons (near the upload images button). However, that hasnt worked so well for me. See this post for an example
    To share documents, I find it easiest to convert the docs to google docs (word or sheet). So you will need a gmail account and key it straight into the doc and publish it. It gives you a web url which you can paste into the post and students just click on that link to access it. Hope this all makes sense.