Kristian Still

50, Male


United Kingdom

Comment Wall:

  • SusanTsairi

    Hi Kristian, caught your message on my voice thread, thanks!
  • Kristian Still

    I really like the tool, I think, with some invention it could be very powerful. I had the Forest Gump audio but the skills to add it professionally. At least the thought was there.
  • dave garland

    I guess I'm lucky having an A level group where I can experiment with new ways of learning. We did the blog idea last year with varying success but I'm convinced that this social networking is the way forward... distributed learning .... and all that
  • dave garland

    yes I use skype a lot and we have done a couple of projects with our primary partner schools , between Year 6 and Year 7. It's really motivating and a great learning tool. Alan November first introduced me to Skype and I have had the pleasure of Skyping with him on a number of occasions.
  • kevhickeyuk

    I've just listened to your interview for the Infinite Thinking Machine and I am really impressed and inspired with all the work you are doing there.
  • Lisa Valentine

    Kristian - I'm a colleague of Kevin Hickey's and can I second his comment. I also listened to the interview podcast and think the work you have done is remarkable and a great use of technology to inspire and motivate learners. Well done.
  • Daniel Bassill

    When I was the age I was when this picture was taken (1974) I spent quite a bit of time enjoying the night life and the sports scene, too. Now that I have two kids, and less hair, and lead a non profit that's constantly searching for resources, I've less time to enjoy this part of Chicago.
  • Kim Cofino

    Hi Kristian,

    I remember you from NextGen :) Sure, let's chat about the 21st century literacy specialist position. My Skype username is mscofino.

    I'll be in Shanghai this weekend for the Learning 2.0 Conference so I'm not sure how much I'll be online, but add me and I'll look for you :)
  • Patrick Higgins

    Hi Kristian,

    Steve Hargadon referred me to your page here. I am working with a few Physical Education teachers and would like to connect with you at some point to discuss how these changes we are seeing in other areas of the curriculum are being addressed in the Phys. Ed/Health classrooms.
  • Mike Betts

    Hi Kristian, thanks again for your inspiring session yeterday. I just wish it could have been longer. As you can see I have joined. This area looks fantastic. I have not had a chance to look at everything yet as I am teaching this morning but I will do. I will certainly want to introduce my colleagues at some point as well.

    Can you tell me who I need to e-mail to get a free wiki space without ads? (If there are any left!)
  • John DeBruyn

    Hi Kristian, I was into wiki spaces a year or so ago are you in on that venture ... I have been into wikis for some time ... created the original wiki sandbox over at Ward Cunningham's place in 1997 :) Looking forward to the collaboration here. John
  • Faculty Learning Community

    Thank you so much for all your comments. And for spreading the word. I've got lots of information to share.
  • Kristian Still

    try now
  • Christine Sklareski

    I was recommended by Steve Hargadon to contact you about any ideas you might have for Physical Ed. teachers using wikis when they don't even go to the computer lab or reserve the laptop carts. I'm training special area teachers in the use of wikis and just need some examples for how they can use the technology. I would appreciate any ideas that you have. Thanks!