Hi. Welcome to Classroom 2.0 I am starting a new program at my school called "International Connections." I am wondering if you would like to be a part of it. My Goal: to connect my students to other students around the world to learn about school and life in other countries. We would love it if your students would answer a few questions on my blog. I teach 6th grade (11-12 year olds) So far, I have connected with Turkey, Scotland, and Brazil. Visit my blog to see what International Connections has done so far. http://waterforsixthgrade.blogspot.com Thank you for your consideration.
Dan Klumper
Peggy Sheehy
blog at http://globallean.edublogs.org
AND NING http://globallean.ning.com
Give the world a voice in a joyful celebration of diversity!
Thanks! Peggy Sheehy
Mar 3, 2009
Dan Klumper
Dan Klumper
Mar 9, 2009