I saw your message looking for problem based projects. I'm not exactly sure what you are looking for, but some projects I've done with my physics students are building water rockets out of 2 liter bottles and building bridges out of thin balsa wood. I don't know if that's what you mean by building technology...but just thought I'd mention it. If you want more information, let me know. I have the worksheets I used for the projects.
Jessica, please make your new teachers aware of my book. "THINK YOU CAN TEACH? A SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHERS". Thank You.
Leon Avrech, San Jose, CA retired 37 yrs. in middle school. Available at amazon.com barnesandnoble.com
Heather Dowd
Jul 1, 2010
Leon Avrech
Leon Avrech, San Jose, CA retired 37 yrs. in middle school. Available at amazon.com barnesandnoble.com
Jul 1, 2010