David Wu


Ann Arbor, MI

United States

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
Diipo LLC
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About Me
I work for Diipo, an Education 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 collaboration platform.

Comment Wall:

  • gabriela

    Hi David!! Thanks for your comment! Yes, my blog post has been approved :-)

    But I still wonder why I have this message in my profile (only visible to me): "We have to approve every new member of the network to protect from "spammers." We apologize for any delay this causes. To help in this process, please tell us why you are joining this network."

  • gabriela

    yeah! That is because I have it moderated, but on that, I know it is my choice... but the "We have to approve every new member of the network..." message in my profile is still a mistery!

    ah! and thanks for accepting me as contact!