Matthew Evan Lewis


Larchmont, NY

United States

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
Columbia University, Teacher's College
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About Me
Matt is an innovative medical educator whose career has focused on designing for, and evaluation of, innovative clinical learning experiences by leveraging the potential of new media.

His goal is to continue to advance the science and practice of medical education and to contribute to the improvement of the public health of all citizens.

He is professionally employed as the Director of Strategic Development at Outcomes, Inc. an independent educational research and healthcare assessment company.

He is also a doctoral student at Columbia University, Teacher's College in Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, in Medical Education and New Media. His research focuses on the intersection between health psychology, adult learning and Web 2.0 technologies.

Comment Wall:

  • Emilia Patricia Zarco

    Thanks for the welcome comment. I'm new in Classroom 2.0 but look forward to learn more about its applications - yes - noted that we are probably treading the same path...medical background, education, web 2.0...let's hope a project or something comes up soon!
  • Steve Hargadon

    OK, you just volunteered! I'll get back to you! :)