You are welcome to explore my web site: It is sadly neglected, but I had posted quite a bit from previous jobs. I am now retired. What age group are you teaching?
I taught Technology in Education at National-Louis University and posted my students' coursework online. I also taught High School students with behavior problems and posted links for them. Finally, there are links for my preschool and elementary students. I haven't kept working on it, though. I hope you can find some good resources.
Linda Wallin
Can you be more specific?
Feb 11, 2017
Linda Wallin
You are welcome to explore my web site: It is sadly neglected, but I had posted quite a bit from previous jobs. I am now retired. What age group are you teaching?
Feb 12, 2017
Linda Wallin
I taught Technology in Education at National-Louis University and posted my students' coursework online. I also taught High School students with behavior problems and posted links for them. Finally, there are links for my preschool and elementary students. I haven't kept working on it, though. I hope you can find some good resources.
Feb 13, 2017